Chithambaram Natarajan - Temple
Secrets maintained by the Tamil kaniyar
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
2.49. Chithambaram Natarajan – Temple
Secrets maintained by the Tamil kaniyar
Decoding the thesooththiram word - Chithambaram
Thiripuram / mup–puramerinthaidam
Sooran – star; Asooran - giant planet.
Decoding the sooththiram word - Chithambaram

Temples of India should not be called as Hindu temples since the word Hindu is a geographical term denoting the eastern lands of the Indus River. Hindu temples have to be called either Tamil Saiva religious temples or Aryan Vishnu religious temples.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - [- sa-] - the - ma - pa– Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is mup–puram erintha idam – the place where the three cities were charred down; moonu- three; puram - city / side; eri - to burn; idam- place
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa - the -ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is mun–nettri- yir thiru neeru poosiya idam / paeruoor – the place where sun god Sivan applied the holy ash on his forehead- the sky-moonu thiru neer pattai - symbolic of charring down the three asooran - the planets - Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune; munnettri – forehead; thiru neeru - holy ash; paer uoor - city.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[- sa-] - the - ma - pa - Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is perum anndam - the universe; periya - big; anndam - universe; thaamparam / peethaambaram; paranthaamam.
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa- the - ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is dammar - nu sithariyaanda thee sudar/ thee pantham-blasted fire torch; thee fire; sudar- light /torch.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[-sa-] - the - ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is perumaattam- great dance;perum- great; aattam- dance; pramaanda aattam.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[- sa-] - the - ma - pa – Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is aadum puram – the place of dance; aadu- dance; puram – city.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[- sa-] - the - ma - pa -Ra- am - and the original Tamil word is erintha moondru puram / erintha moondru theepantham - three cities in fire; erintha - burnt; moondru - three; puram - city erinthu saampalaana moondru puram.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - [-sa-]- the -ma - pa – Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is paerinpam perum idam – the place where one can get salvation – bliss / heaven; paerinpam - bliss; periya – great / big; inpam - pleasure; perum - to get; idam- place.
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa - the -ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is perum anndaththin maaperum sen-thee / jothi– the divine fire of the great universe; periya - big; anndam – universe; maa - big; perum - big; sen thee - divine fire.
- Chithambaram has the consonants–sa - the - ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is naayir- in / sooriyanin paerumannda aattam – the great dance of the sun; naayiru- sun; anndam- universe; aattam- dance.
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa - the -ma - pa – Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is eru asooran noadu sooran poar purintha idam aana – paer anndam – the great universe where sooran the - sun fought with 2 asooran [planet- Jupiter and Saturn]; eru – two; asooran - planet; sooran - star; poar- war; paer anndam- big universe.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - [-sa-] - the -ma - pa -Ra - am - and the riginal Tamil word is paerandaththin maaya thoattram - the universe - an illusion; maaym- illusion; thoattram –appearance.
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa-the - ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is andamenum muttai – thee pori–damaarena sithari porintha idam/ naeram – perum maaya thoattram – blasted fire of the universe - an illusion; anndam - universe; muttai –egg; thee - fire; pori –sparkle; idam- place; naeram-time.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[- sa-] - the -ma - pa - Ra - am - and the interpretation of the word is Madanapuram / Maadapuram -the city of Neptune; Mathan–lord-kaama Deva.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - [- sa-] -the - ma - pa -Ra- am - and the original Tamil word is paarththida ondrum inmai – nothing to be soon;paaru –see; ondrum inmai- nothing.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[- sa-] - the -ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is perumaanai suttri irunthidum parantha paerandam - the universe around Sivan – the sun; perumaan - lord; parantha - wide; andam - universe.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -sa -the - ma - pa – Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Umai perumaanoadu saernthu poatti poattu sathiraadum maedai / sathiraadum puram / paeranndam -universe - dance stage / place of dance of Uma and Sivan; umai –ammai- wife of Sivan; perumaan- lord; saernthu –together; poatti -competition; sathiraadu- dance; maedai –stage.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -sa - the - ma - pa - Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is sathiraadum paerannda maedai – the cosmos /universe -the stage for the dance; paeranndam - universe; maedai - stage.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - [-sa-] -the - ma -pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is perum unmaiyaei thirai ittu moodi maraiththa idam – the great truth that was covered by the screen; perum - big; unmai- truth; thirai-screen; maraiththidu- to hide; idam- place.
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa - the -ma - pa – Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Thiru maraiyaei / Thiru manthiraththai Parai saathiyinar / Parai inaththoar paadi oaathiya paer uoor- the place where the great Paraiyah caste priests recited holy scriptures;
ethiru manthiram - holy scriptures; inam- race; paadu –sing; oaathu – recite; paer uoor - city.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - sa - the - ma - pa - Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Apparum Sundararum / Nanthanaarum–mattra Naayan maarum ondraa Thirumaraiyaei paadi oaathiya puram – the place where Appar, Sundarar, Nanthanaar and other Naaynmaars worshipped lord Sivan with their hymn; paadu –sing; oaathu- recite.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[-sa-] -the - ma - pa - Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Thiru marai oaathiya anthanarai / Paraiyarai / Parai saathiyinarai / Poosaari -yaei– Aarya Brahamanar– perum sathi thittam theetti / mannarin thunaiyoadu thuraththi adiththa idam – the place where Aryan priests drove away the Tamil priests with the help of the king; thiru marai - holy scriptures; Paraiyah - the Tamil priest community; saathi - caste; saathi - thinai; mannar - king; thunai- help; thuraththi adi - drive away; sathithittam - evil plot; Brahmanar - Aryan priests.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - [-sa-] - the -ma - pa – Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Umaiyoadu perumaan saerntha idam / Umaiyaei thirumanam purintha idam / thiru mana mandapam – the place where Sivan married Umai; umai - wife of Sivan; perumaan- lord; saernthidu - be together; thiru manam- marriage; mandapam- hall.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -sa - the - ma - pa - Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Umai perumaanoadu saernthu nadanam / naattiyam payeindra idam - the place where Sivan practiced dance with his wife; nadanm - dance; payeindridu – learn; saernthu –together.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - [-sa-] -the -ma - pa – Ra - am - and the other interpretation of the word is nirththa mandapam / naattiyam –aadar paadar payeindridum idam / sathiraadum idam – dancing hall; aadar - dance; paadar - song; payeindridu - learn.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - sa-the -ma - pa – Ra - am - and the other interpretation of the word is sen –thaamarai poomottu – the red lotus flower; sen–thaamarai - red lotus; poo - flower; mottu - bud.
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa - the - ma -pa - Ra - a - and the other interpretation of the word is Samaya puraththu Amman – Kaali.
- Chithambaram has the consonants – sa - the -ma - pa -Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Thiripuram / pattri erintha moondru peru uoorai / suttri thirintha moondru peru meenai [ponmeen / maimeen / uootha meen –moondru perum asooranaiyim perumaan suttu eriththa idam - the place wherelord Sivan charred down the Jupiter and Saturn; pattri eriya - burning; peru uoor - cit; ponmeen –golden jupiter; mai meen - dark Saturn; uootha meen - blue Neptune; asooran - giant planet; suttu eriththida - to charred down.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - sa - the - ma -pa - Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is Rathi - Mun Mathan- aei [uootha nira meenai] perumaan nettri neruppal suttu eriththa idam – puraanam – the place where kaama Deva was charred down - the blue colored Neptune and Uranus; uootha nira meen - blue color planet; mun – nettri–forehead / sky; neruppu –fire; suttu eri - to burn; idam - place.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[-sa-] - the - ma -pa - Ra- am - and the original Tamil word is perumaan thiru marai / thiru manthiram oaathi thantha puram – the place where lord gave holy scriptures; perumaan- lord; thirumarai - holy scriptures; oaathu- recite; idam - place.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[-sa-] -the - ma - pa - Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is ponmaada puram – golden city; pon - gold.
- Chithambaram has the consonants - sa- the -ma - pa–Ra- am - and the original Tamil word is ponnarai / ponnar endra perum–asooranai suttu eriththu maaitha puram – the place where sun charred down Jupiter; ponnar - Jupiter; asooran - planet; suttu eriththida - to burn; maaiththidu- kill; puram- city.
- Chithambaram has the consonants sa - the - ma -pa – Ra - am - and the original Tamil word is suttri thirintha pattri erintha mai meenai / perum asooranai suttu eriththu maaitha idam - the place where sun charred down Saturn; suttri thirintha - wandering / orbiting; pattri erintha - burning; mai meen - Saturn.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[-sa-] - the - ma- pa - Ra- am - and the original Tamil word is aranmanai manadapam – the hall of the palace; aranmanai - place; mandapam- hall.
- Chithambaram has the consonants -[-sa-] -the -ma -pa – Ra- am - and the original Tamil word is Thiru maraiyaei / Thiru manthiraththai oaathathu / thadai poattu / maraiththutta aarya Brahamanar- in perum sathi thittam nadantha puram / paer uoor – the evil plot of Aryan priests not allowing to recite Tamil holy scriptures; paeruoor- city; thiru marai- holy scripture; oaathaathu- not reciting; maraiththidu - to hide; perum - big; sathi thittam – evil plot Brahamanar – Aryan priests.
- Puli uoor has the consonants – pa- la- Ra - and the original Tamil word is puliuri - tiger dress; puli - tiger; uoor–city / village.
- Puli uoor has the consonants – pa- la- Ra - and the original Tamil word is Puli yaeri – Sivan - the sun / one who have conquered the tiger - Jupiter; uri - dress.
- Puli uoor has the consonants – pa - la- Ra - and the original Tamil word is Puli ari – to kill the tiger; Sivan- the sun / one who has conquered the tiger - Jupiter; ariya- to kill.
Decoding the sooththiram word - Thillai
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is aadal – dance.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is ‘thai’ ‘thai‘ ena aaduthal – dance; thai- beat / rhythm.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is adi eduththu aaduthal – dance with steps; adi –foot; edu –take; aadu –dance.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is aadum thidal –ground / open space – dancing place; thidal - open space - sky / universe.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is ilanthai / Indian jujube - the tree of the Nata Arasan temple – chithambaram.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is aadal nadantha thalam / thidal – the open space where the dance took place; nadanthathu- happened; idam - place.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la - and the original Tamil word is uoodal nadantha idam - the place of lover’s fight; uoodal - lover’s quarrel.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la - and the original Tamil word is azhiththa idam – the place of killing [the asuras - planets – Jupiter and Saturn]; sooran - the star; asuras - planets; azhiththidu - kill / to ruin; idam - place.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the originalTamil word is thullal – dance.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the originalTamil word is aaluthal - dance.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the originalTamil word is aduthal- fight.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is asainthaaduthal [missing letter-sa-] –dancing gently.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is thaalamiduthal – to make rhythm; thaalam - beat.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Ampalathth aadi [missing letter- pa-] –Sivan- dancing in the open space; ampalam - open space; aadi – dancer.
- Thillai has the consonants – the– la- and the original Tamil word is thandalai –grove.
- Thillai has the consonants -the– la- and the original Tamil word is sathi paaithal [missing letters- pa- and -sa-]- dancing.
- Thillai has the consonants -the– la- and the original Tamil word is Aathaaladaiyan- Sivan.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la - and the original Tamil word is Anal yaenthi – Sivan – holder of fire; anal - fire; yaenthu - to hold.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la - and the original Tamil word is Anal aadi –Sivan - player of fire; anal - fire; aadi – dancer.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la - and the original Tamil word is thee mithithal -fire walking; thee- fire; mithi - stamping.
- Thillai has the consonants - the - la- and the original Tamil word is thee satti yaenthuthal [missing letter-sa-] – Sivan – the fire holder; thee -fire; satti - pot; yaenthu- to hold.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la - and the original Tamil word is Sudalai Aandi [missing letter-sa-]- conquering Jupiter and Saturn and making them as failed stars – man of grave yard.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is Aadal mannan – Sivan - the king of dance; aadal - dance; mannan - king.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is Aalam unddan– Sivan – who took the poison; aalam- poison; undaan - had eaten.
- Thillai has the consonant - the – la- and the original Tamil word is Ennthoalan– Sivan.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is Aeilaattan –Sivan.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la - and the original Tamil word is Ellai illaathaan –Sivan - without boundary; ellai- boundary; illai- nil.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is Aeinthu thozhiloan – Sivan – who does five jobs; aeinthu - five; thozhil - job.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la - and the original Tamil word is ThalaiMaalaiyan / Thaanu Malaiyaan - Sivan.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is Thazhal eduththaan- Sivan; thazhal- fire.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is Thazhal maeni- Sivan – body of fire; maeni- body.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is Thazal Yaenthi – Sivan - holder of fire; yaenthu –to hold.
- Thillai has the consonants - the – la- and the original Tamil word is Thaayilath-thaayan - Sivan.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Thaayinum nallan – Sivan - better than one’s mother; thaai- mother; nallaan - good person.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Thaalam- eenthaan- Sivan –one who gave rhythm for the dance; thaalam- beat; eenthaan - ha had given.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Thunaiili - Sivan – without companion; thunai- companion; illai - without.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Thozhan- Sivan – the friend.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Thamizhan Sivan- a Tamil.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la - and the original Tamil word is Thole aadaiyaan- Sivan – one who wears the leather dress - skin of the tiger- the rings of the golden Jupiter planet; thole - leather; aadai- dress.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is Muthali – Sivan- the first one – the sun.
- Thillai has the consonants -the– la- and the original Tamil word is Muthaloan – Sivan- the first one – the sun.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Muzhuthoan – Sivan- the full one.
- Thillai has the consonants -the – la- and the original Tamil word is Mulai Mathiyoan-Sivan- the morning sun; mulaikka - sprout; mathi - planet.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is Moova Muthal– Sivan –the first of all; muthal- first – the sun.
- Thillai has the consonants -the - la- and the original Tamil word is Malai Aandi – Sivan- king of the mountain; malai- mountain.
- Thillai has the consonants - the - la- and the original Tamil word is Thillaana – an rhythmic piece in Carnatic music.
Thillai Nataraja
- Thillai Nataraja has the consonants – the - la- an – the- Ra – [- sa-]- and the original Tamil word is Thillai–yil Thamizh Thiru marai / thiru manthiram oaathum anthanar – the priests who recite Tamil holy scriptures; thiru marai - holy scriptures; oaathu- recite; anthanar / adiyaar – disciple of god.
- Thillai Nataraja has the consonants– the – la - an – the- Ra – sa- and the original Tamil word is anjaam suttru paathaiyir suttri thirintha / pattri erintha theepori –yaei aandal apparai / ponnarai / aasaanai / manthiriyaei -naayiru / sooriyan siriththae eriththu nadana maadiya thidal [missing letter- pa -] – the open space where Sun had conquered Jupiter and made Jupiter as a failed star; anjaam suttru paathai - 5th orbit; anju - five; anjaam - fifth; paathai - orbit; suttru paathai - orbit; thiriya- roaming; erinthida - burning; thee –pori- fire sparkle; ponnar - Jupiter; sooriyan - sun; siriththidu - smile; eri- burn; nadanam- dance; thidal- open space.
- Thillai Nataraja has the consonants – the - la- an – the- Ra – sa-and the original Tamil word is aaraam suttru paathaiyir suttri thirintha sompaarei–mai meen enum thee sudarai naayiru / sooriyan siriththae eriththu paerin paththoadu / aanantha / maaraaya nadana maadiya thidal [missing letter- pa -]- the open space where Sun had conquered Saturn and made Saturn as a failed star; aaru- 6; mai meen - Saturn; naayiru- Ra - sun; paerinpam - bliss; maaraayam - merry.
- Kanakasabha has the consonants – ka- an - ka - [-sa-] -pa - and the original Tamil word is ponvanna / ponkani maavai – golden hall; pon - gold;avai - assembly; vannam - color.
- Kanakasabha has the consonants – ka- an - ka -sa- pa - and the original Tamil word is seppu kanima / kanja kanimaavai – hall of copper; seppu - copper; kanimam - metal.
- Ponnambalam has the consonants - pa –an- ma – pa - la- ma - and the original Tamil word is pon –na- ninampalam – the hall of Jupiter; pon- gold; ampalam- space / universe.
The sooththiram word Jupiter
- Jupiter has the consonants- [- sa-] - pa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is pon–nira mudaiya meen / mathi - golden star;pon - gold; niram- ray / color;udaiya - having; meen - star; mathi - planet.
- Jupiter has the consonants –[- sa - ] - pa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is gnaayirin / sooriyanin aeinthaam suttru paathai– yir suttrum ponnar enum meen – the golden planet in the 5th orbit of sun; gnaayiru – sun; sooriyan – sun; aeinthaam - fifth; suttru paathai - otbit; ponnar- golden one - Jupiter.
- Jupiter has the consonants- [- sa-] - pa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is peththa thanthaiyaar - the father who gave birth; peththidu - beget; thanthai- father.
- Jupiter has the consonants - sa- [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is muthanmai amaichchar - chief minister; muthanmai- prime/ chief /first / important; amaichchar - minister.
- Jupiter has the consonants -sa - [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is sattauraignar - counsel; sattam - law; urai - say.
- Jupiter has the consonants -[- sa-] - [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is amaaththiyar - minister.
- Jupiter has the consonants - [-sa-]- [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thaerchchiyar - ministers.
- Jupiter has the consonants - [- sa-] - [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is mooththoar- ministers.
- Jupiter has the consonants [- sa-] - [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is manthiri -minister.
- Jupiter has the consonants [- sa-] - [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is thanthiri - minister.
- Jupiter has the consonants [- sa-] –pa - the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is pirathaani – minister; pirathan manthiri – prime minister.
- Jupiter has the consonants- sa- -[-pa-]-- the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is saamanthar- ministers.
- Jupiter has the consonants -[- sa-] - [-pa-] - the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is thoothar – amabassador.
- Veda has the consonants- va- the - and the original Tamil word is vithai/viththai / viththam – wisdom.
- Veda has the consonants–va- the - and the original Tamil word is kaathu koduththu kaetta kathai - the story listened by ears; kaathu - ear; kodu- give; kaettidu- heed; kathai - story; sooththiram; ka= va; va= ka.
- Veda has the consonants- va- the - and the original Tamil word is kathaithathu- orally said; sooththiram; ka= va; va= ka; vaaiyaadiyathu; vaakkaadiyathu.
- Veda has the consonants- va- the - and the original Tamil word is oaathi vanthathu - recited one; oaathu - recite.
- Veda has the consonants- va- the - and the original Tamil word is vaai paadu / vaaipaattu [missing letter- pa-]- sutra / song; vaai - mouth; paattu - song.
- Arthamantapa has the consonants Ra - the - ma –an- the -pa- and the original Tamil word is Umaiammaiyim – perumaanum eruttum naeram / raaththiri naeram / aria eruttu naeram – ondraa thani– maiyir saerntha idam - mandapam – the place where Sivan united with his wife in the dark evening; Uma- wife of Sivan; perumaan – lord - Sivan; eruttum naeram - time is getting dark;ondraa - to gether; saernthida - united.
- Arthamantapa has the consonants Ra - the - ma – an - the– pa- and the original Tamil word is aaru thoonudaiya mandapam - hall with 6 pillars; aaru - 6; thoon - pillar; mandapam - hall.
- Artha [wealth] has the consonants - Ra - the - and the original Tamil word is thiru - wealth.
- Artha has the consonants - Ra - the - and the original Tamil word is mainiram udaiya meen – the Saturn – 6th one orbiting around the sun; mai - dark; niram - ray / color; udaiya - having; meen- star / planet.
- Artha mantapa has the consonants - Ra - the – ma an the – pa - and the original Tamil word is mai–nira mudaiya meenin mandram -mandapam - hall for Saturn.
- Artha [half] has the consonants - Ra - the - and the original Tamil word is ondrin paathi [missing letter- pa-]- half of one; ondru- one; paathi- half.
- Artha [mid-night] has the consonants - Ra - the - and the original Tamil word is aria iruttu naeram - half of night time; aria - half; eruttu – dark; naeram - time.
- Artha mantapa has the consonants Ra - the - ma –an- the – pa- and the original Tamil word is Thirumana mandapam –marriage hall; thirumanam - marriage; mandapam - hall.
- Artha mantapa has the consonants Ra - the - ma – an - the -pa- and the original Tamil word is Rathi - Mun Mathanai eriththa puram / ninavu mandavam - the place where Kama Deva charred down - the Neptune and the Uranus; the hall built in memory of the event of Neptune got charred down by sun; ninaivu – memory; eriththa- burnt; puram- paer uoor- city.
The sooththiram word Chitrakoota
- Chitra koota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra- ka- the - and the original Tamil word is senk–Kathiravan koattam / koodam - hall of the red sun; kathiravan- sun; koattam- temple; koodam- hall.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra- ka- the- and the original Tamil word is koduvari arankkam - the hall of the tiger - Jupiter; koduvari - tiger; arankkam - hall.
- Chitra koota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra – ka- the - and the other interpretation of the word is siththira kaaya koattam / koodam the hall of the tiger – Jupiter; siththira kaayam - tiger.
- Chitra koota has the consonants - [-sa -]- the –Ra - ka- the- and the other interpretation of the word is punadrika koattam / tharakku koattam / viyaakira koattam [missing letter- pa- ] - the hall of the tiger - Jupiter; pundarikam- tiger; tharakku –tiger; viyakkiram- tiger.
- Chitra koota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra- ka- the- and the original Tamil word is kathiravani suttri varam aeintham koar – amaichchar- the minister planet - the 5th planet of the sun -jupiter; kathiravan - sun; suttrivara- to orbit; aeinthaam- 5th; koar- planet; amaichchar - minister.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra –ka- the- and the original Tamil word is Umaiyim – Sivan-um saernthu sathiraadiya koodam / koodi eruntha koodam / yaarukkum theriyaama rakasiyama koodiya maraividam –the secret place where lord Sivan and his wife united together; Uma / Ammai - wife of Sivan; saernthu –together; sathiraadu – dance; koodam - hall; koodu –to unite; maraivu idam - secret place; yaarukkum theiyaathu – no one knows.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants -sa - the –Ra - ka- the- and the original Tamil word is Thiru aathiri nakasthiram / aathirai enum Sivan-in nakasthiram/ thaarakai –the star of Sivan; thiru- holy; aathirai - a name of a star – Betelgeuse; nakaththiram - star.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - [-sa-] - the –Ra- ka – the- and the original Tamil word is Thiru mana mandavam – marriage hall; thiru manam- marriage.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra- k a- the - and the original Tamil word is Kooththandavarin koattam –Siva’s temple; kooththaadi - the dancer - Sivan.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra- ka – the - and the original Tamil word is Thuru Murugan-in koattam – Murugan Temple; Thiru Murugan - Marduk - son of sun god Sivan.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra- ka- the- and the original Tamil word is mup -puram / moondru asooranai suttu eritha kathai nadantha idam – thiru uoor – the place where sun charred down the gas giants and the ice giants; sooran- star; asooran- planet [with out rays –failed stars]; suttueriththidu - to burn; kathai –story; idam - place; nadanthathu –took place.
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra- ka- the- and the original Tamil word is Siva perumaanum umai – Sivakaamiyai thirumanam seitha mandavam – the hall where Sivan married Umai; Siva Kaami - wife of Sivan; thiru manam- marriage; seithidu- do; mandapam –hall
- Chitrakoota has the consonants - sa - the –Ra - ka- the- and the original Tamil word is Siva – nin Thiru koavir mandavaththai Vishnu aakkira miththa / vaunmuraiyaar kavarntha idam - koodam - the hall which was occupied forcibly by Vishnu which was owned by Sivan; vaunmurai - violence; kavarntha / aakkira miththa - captured; koodam - hall; thiru - holy; koavir - temple.
Kodu varipaatham
Karaka aatta-k-kaaran – Sivan
Decoding the sooththiram word Vyagrapada
Cultural aspect - Puliyattam - Tiger dance
Puliyattam (means Tiger Dance) is an old folk art dance of Tamil country. A highly exuberant and cultural festival, this dance form usually comprises a troupe of 6 performers aping the movements of the majestic, predatory tigers. Their bodies are painted by the painstaking efforts of local artists in vibrant yellow and black to resemble an exact replica of a tiger. The paintings include the ferocious looking fangs and convincing headgear replete with ears, paws with claws, and a long tail that conjures an accurate picture of the savage beast’s graceful movements.
The thunderous roars of drums beating wildly along with several local instruments reproduce the snarls of the regal predators and complete the picture. Sometimes to incorporate a touch of reality, a vulnerable goat is tied and the dancers pretend to seize upon the helpless creature and thereby kill it. Apart from the tiger, the dancers are often adorned in the beautiful spots of a leopard or the eerie dark shades of a black panther.
The art nowadays is very rarely performed in Tamil Nadu but is still performed in Kerala (Pulikali/Puliyattam), Andhra Pradesh (Pulivesham) and Karnataka (Hulivesha).
- Vyagrapada has the consonants – va - ka - Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is kuyavariyin koor nakamudaiya paatham / vayavari / viyakkira paatham – foot of the tiger; kuyavari - tiger; koor- sharp; nakam - nail; udaiya- having; paatham - foot.
- Vyagrapada has the consonants - va- ka- Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is koaduvari- yin kooriya kann paarvai / kooriya kaarpaatha nakam - the sharp eyes and the claws of the tiger; koduvari – [koaduvari ] - tiger with body stripes; kooriya- sharp; kann –eye; paarvai - eye sight / vision; kaar - legs.
- Vyagrapada has the consonants - va- ka- Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is Koduvari vaedam poadukuravar / kodu vari vaedam poattu aadukiravar - a dance in which the player is disguished as a tiger; vaedam – disguise / make up; aadukiravar - dancer.
- Vyagrapada has the consonants - va- ka- Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is vaanathir verum kannukku kaar poandru / kai pidi poandru thoattram tharum mai vanna pukai mutta thirattaaka – vatta vadiva – vari kodaaka / aadaiyaaka kondu oru perunk koar – the planet Saturn with rings that look like handles; vaanam - sky; kann - eye; kaar- legs; poandru – a like; kaipidi - handle; kai - hand; pidi- hold; thoattram - appearance; mai – dark; vannam - color; maimeen –Saturn; oru- one; perun-k-koar - a giant planet; koar- planet.
- Vyagrapada has the consonants –va - ka- Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is Kathiravan eriththu anaiththa [pattri erintha / vaanir thirintha] kaari meenenum perunk koar – the Saturn; kathiravan - sun; eriththidu - to burn; kaari meen - Saturn; kaari - dark / black; perum - big; koar- planet; perun–k - koar - giant planet.
- Yagrapada has the consonants - va - ka- Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is ponnira pukai mutta thirattai vatta vadiva vari koaadaka / aadaiyyaaka uduththi erukkum viyaakiram / koduvari enum / guru enum perun – k – koar- the planet Jupiter with rings; pon- gold; niram - ray; pukai muttam - smoke / mist; vattam- round; vadivam –shape; vari– kodau- lines; aadai –dress; uduththu –to wear; perun – k-koar- giant planet; viyakkiram- tiger.
- Vyagrapada has the consonants - va- ka- Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is Kathiravan eriththu anaiththa [pattri erintha / vaanir thirintha] pon vanna mudaiya ponnar enum perunk koar -the golden Jupiter; kathiravan - sun; eriththidu -
- to burn; anaiththidu –to put off; pon- god;vannam - color;ponnar - Jupiter- the golden planet; perun – k – koar - giant planet.
- Vyagrapada has the consonants - va- ka- Ra - pa -the - and the original Tamil word is vaanir thiriyim uootha vanna thanneer paanai koar - the blue colorNeptune / Uranus - water pots; vaan - sky; thiriyim – wandering; uoothaa - blue; vannam - color; thanneer - water – paanai- pot; koar- planet; koar = kirakam [Skt].
- Vyagrapada has the consonants - va- ka- Ra – [-pa -] -the - and the original Tamil word is Karakaaatta– k –kaaran / karakaattam aadukiravar - Sivan; karakam - water pot; aadukiravar - dancer; sooththiram; ka= va; va= ka.
- Neptune has the consonants – an -pa – the- an - and the original Tamil word is thanni paanai – water pot; thanni - water; paanai- pot; water is equated with the semen of lord Sivan.
- Neptune has the consonants – an –[- pa -] – the - an - and the other interpretation of the word is Mun Mathan / Mun Mathan – in ampu / paanam; ampu - arrow.
- Neptune has the consonants – an -pa – the - an - and the original Tamil word is poathai thanni paanai – liquor pot; arrack is offered to localgods in Tamil nadu; poathai - intoxication; thanni – liquor / water; paanai - pot.
Vyaghrapada lit. tiger legged), was one of the mythical rishis (sage) of ancient India.
The legend states that Vyaghrapada was a rishi and he was entrusted with the task of picking up fresh flowers, untouched even by the honeybees, for offering to Shiva in his aspect as Nataraja in the temple complex of Chidambaram, located in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. While plucking the flowers, Vyaghrapada would get wounded on account of thorns and the rough surface. Shiva conferred on him the feet of tigers and this ended the sage's miseries. So armed with the tiger's feet, the sage easily moved from place to place, including climbing rough trees to pluck fresh flowers untouched even by the honey bees.
Vyaghrapada is also believed to be the founder of the famous Shiva temple at Vaikom in Kottayam district, Kerala.
His image and iconography depicts him as a human being but with the legs of a tiger. He is also shown having a tiger - like tail. Generally, he is shown alongside Patanjali, and both are depicted as offering homage to Shiva in his aspect as Natraja.
Sthalasayana Perumal Temple, Tirusirupuliyur in TamilNadu, a Vishnu temple, is known to have been visited by Vyaghrapada with Patanjali and got the darshan of Lord Vishnu in the form of Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam.
Patañjali was a sage in ancient India, thought to be the author of a number of Sanskrit works. The greatest of these are the Yoga Sutras, a classical yoga text. There is doubt as to whether the sage Patañjali is the author of all the works attributed to him as there are a number of known historical authors of the same name. A great deal of scholarship has been devoted over the last century to the issue of the historicity or identity of this author or these authors.
Amongst the more important authors called Patañjali are:
The author of the Mahabha?ya, an ancient treatise on Sanskrit grammar and linguistics, based on the A??adhyayi of Pa?ini. This Patañjali's life is dated to mid 2nd century BCE by both Western and Indian scholars. This text was titled as a bhasya or "commentary" on Katyayana-Pa?ini's work by Patanjali, but is so revered in the Indian traditions that it is widely known simply as Maha-bhasya or "Great commentary scholars of other Indian religions such as Buddhism and Jainism.
The compiler of the Yoga sutras, a text on Yoga theory and practice,and a notable scholar of Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy. He is variously estimated to have lived between 2nd century B.C. to 4th century A.D, with more scholars accepting dates between 2nd and 4th century CE.
The author of a medical text called Patanjalatantra. He is cited and this text is quoted in many medieval health sciences - related texts, and Patanjali is called a medical authority in a number of Sanskrit texts such as Yogaratnakara, Yogaratnasamuccaya and Padarthavijnana. There is a fourth Hindu scholar also named Patanjali, who likely lived in 8th-century CE and wrote a commentary on Charaka Samhita and this text is called Carakavarttika. According to some modern era Indian scholars such as P.V. Sharma, the two medical scholars named Patanjali may be the same person, but completely different from the Patanjali who wrote the Sanskrit grammar classic Mahabhasya.
Patanjali is one of the 18 siddhars in the Tamil siddha (Shaiva) tradition.
Note; Patanjali and Vygharapada are only terminologies to denote certain astronomical concepts, linguistic thoughts and fertility related ideas; even if these terms pointed the names of one or several writers of different periods, these terms are not their original names of those authors; to understand this idea we will consider later the names / terms such as Agasthiya, TholKappiyar, Vyasa, Valmiki Aryabhata, Sushruta, Dhanvanthariand Hippocrates.
Patanjali - gas giants and the ice giants
Puli tholum satti–paanaiyim
Decoding the sooththiram word Patanjali
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an- [-sa-] - la- and the original Tamil word is Pulipaatha muni - monk with tiger foot - Jupiter- Vyagrapada; puli - tiger; paatham- foot / muni- monk.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an- [-sa-] - la- and the other interpretation of the word is planet[Greek] / alainthida - to wander; alainthidum oli illatha mathi.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an – sa - la - and the original Tamil word is puli tholum satti paanaiyim - Jupiter and the Neptune / Uranus; puli- tiger; thole - skin / leather; satti – small pot; paanai- big pot.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an -sa - la- and the original Tamil word is puli thole aadai anintha ponnanenum / alainthidum manjalaal - mathi - the Jupiter with yellow rings; puli - tiger; thole- leather; aadai - clothe; ponnan- golden one; manjal- yellow; aal- person; mathi - planet.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an – sa - la- and the original Tamil word is uootha poo oli udaiya pachchai thanni ulla suththi alainthidum aal - mathi - blue color water planets – Neptune / Uranus; alainthida- to wander; uoothaa- blue; pachchai thanni - fresh water; aal- person; mathi - planet.
- Patanjali has the consonants-pa - the - an- sa - la - and the original Tamil word is pachchai pani thanni ulla mathi - water planets – Neptune / Uranus; pani- ice; thanni –water; ula t- having; mathi - planet.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Thoalil / thalaiyil–thanni paanai sumanthidum aal – one with water pot on his shoulder / head; thoal - shoulder; thalai - head; thanni –water; paanai - pot; sumanthidu - to carry; aal - person.
- Bashya has the consonants –pa – sa - and the original Tamil word is paechchu -speech / language.
- Speech has the consonants – [- sa-] - pa – sa - and the original Tamil word is paechchu - speech / language.
- Language has the consonants – la –an - ka - and the original Tamil word is panuval [missing letter- pa-] – word / speech / language; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Grammar has the consonants – ka- Ra – ma - and the interpretation of the word is viyakranam [Skt] - grammar; soothtiram; ka= va; va =ka.
- Grammar has the consonants – ka- Ra – ma- and the original Tamil word is koorum murai - principles of speech; kooru- speak; murai – method/ principles.
- Mahabashya has the consonants - ma - ka – pa - sa - and the original Tamil word is paechchin viyaakiyaanam – vakkanai –yaana paechchu –beautiful speech.
- Mahabashya has the consonants - ma - ka – pa – sa- and the original Tamil word is paechchai semmai seika - to beautify the speech / language- to make the language a classical one; paechchu - speech; semmai - beauty; seika - do / make.
- Pa?ini has the consonants – pa - an - and the original Tamil word is paechai semmai pannu [missing letter- sa-] - to beautify the speech / language – to make the language a classical one; pannu - do / make.
- Classical language has the consonants - ka – la - sa - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is nalla elakkana mulla mozhi - language with good grammar.
- Classical language has the consonants- ka – la - [-sa-] - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is nalla elakkiyankkal ulla mozhi – language with good literary works.
- Classical language has the consonants - ka – la - [-sa-] - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is nalla noolkal mikkamozhi - language with good books.
- Classical language has the consonants- ka – la –sa - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is sol valamai / sol-kalanjiam /sol koavai mikka–sevu –viyalmozhi- language with good glossary.
- Classical language has the consonants- ka – la - [-sa-] - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is ulaka – alaaviya mozhi –wordly language.
- Classical language has the consonants- ka – la - [-sa-] - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is azhaku mikka mozhi – beautiful language.
- Classical language has the consonants- ka – la - [-sa-] - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is sevuviyal kolkai ulla mozhi - classical language.
- Classical language has the consonants- ka – la- [-sa-] - ka - la - and the original Tamil word is sei – yul vazhakku ulla mozhi - classical language with poems.
- Sanskrit has the consonants - sa - an– sa - ka – Ra - the - and the original Tamil word is semmai seitha kirantham / koottru – the language made as classical.
- Sanskrit has the consonants - sa - an– sa - ka - Ra - the -and the original Tamil word is aadu maadu maeikkira naadoaadi paaraseeka naattu aariya anthanarin koottru / kirantham / paechchu [missing letter- pa-] -the language of the nomadic pastoral Aryan people .
- Sanskrit has the consonants - [-sa] - an - [-sa-] - ka - Ra - the - and the interpretation of the word is Grantha - Sanskrit.
- Koottru [Tamizh] has the consonants - ka - the – Ra - and the interpretation of the word is kirantham /Grantha - Sanskrit.
- Word has the consonants – va – Ra - the - and the interpretation of the word is vaarththa – word/ Grantha; sooththiram; ka= va; va = ka.
- Word has the consonants – va – Ra - the - and the original Tamil word is koottru; sooththiram; ka= va; va= ka.
- Yoga has the consonant – ka - and the original Tamil word isyaakkai - yaei / kaayam / akam -kaakka / yakkaiyaei oaampuka / paenuka [missing letter- pa-] – to take care of the body and mind.
- Yogaratnakara has the consonants – ka - Ra – the – an - ka - Ra -and the original Tamil word is yaakkai–yaei kaakum viththai – yaei / vithi murai–yaei kattru thanthavar - one who taught the art of taking care of the body; sooththiram; ka = va; va= ka.
- Padarthavijnana has the consonants – pa – the- Ra– the- va – sa - an - and the original Tamil word is udampai / yaakkaiyaei – paenum/ oaampidum murai - yaei kattru thantha aasaan / aasiriyar -one who taught the art of taking care of the body; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Padarthavijnana has the consonants – pa - the - Ra– the -va – sa - an -and the original Tamil word is siththa maruththuvaththin aasaan – Siva perumaan / Thiru murugan - Siva/Murugan the – teacher of Siththa medicine.
- Padarthavijnana has the consonants – pa - the - Ra– the - va – sa - an - and the original Tamil word is udar noaei - yaei / mana noaei-yaei / pini - yaei –noaei naadi / noaei muthar naadi endru noaei – yaei arinthidum murai pattriyim / athan pinnar arintha noaei–yaei theerkkum / kunamaakkum /sukamakkum / sari- aakkum / vithi muraiyaei / viththai - yaei – arivai – kattru koduththa aasiriyar / arumarunthu uruvaakkum murai–yaei kattru koduththa vaiththiyar / maruththuvar / siththar- pidaaran – one who taught about the etiology of the disease and the treatment methods with drugs.
- Patanjalatantra has the consonants – pa – the – an –sa - la - the - an – the – Ra - and the original Tamil word is noaei naadi athan pinnar noaei muthal naadi athan pinnar noaei thaniththida aru marunthu tharanum - first - know the about the details of the disease, then make the diagnosis of the disease, then find out the eiologyof the disease and then prescribe medicine accordingly.
- Patanjalatantra has the consonants – pa – the – an – sa – la - the - an – the – Ra -and the original Tamil word is muthalil udal - noaei– yaa allathu mana noaei thaanaa –ena aaeinthua arinthidu - first confirm whether it is a somatic illness or mental illness.
- Patanjalatantra has the consonants – pa– the - an - [- sa-] - la - the - an – the – Ra -and the original Tamil word is thoththu noaei ulla piniyaalarai thanimai – paduththal vaendum - keep the patients with infectious diseases in isolation.
Patanjali - language scholar
Paadamsolli / pathamsolli
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an - sa - la- and the original Tamil word is PasanthuThamizh - beautiful Tamil; pasanthu- beauty.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is painthamizh / pasunthamizh – youthful Tamil; pasumai - fresh /green.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an - [-sa-] - la - and the original Tamil word is pandaiya Thamizh mozhi -ancient language Tamil; pandaiya- ancient.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an - sa– la- and the original Tamil word is Thamizh mozhiyin muthal aasaan - the first Thamizh grammarian; muthal - first; aasaan - master.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an - sa - la- and the original Tamil word is sen–Thamizh mozhi paesinaan - spoken the classical language Tamil; paesu –speak.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [- pa-] - the - an - [-sa-]– la- and the original Tamil word is sen Thamizhan.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an - [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is paainthoadum Sinthunathi Thamizhan – the Thamizh man of Indus river; paainthida - to jump; Sinthu - Indus; nathi - river.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an- [-sa-] - la - and the original Tamil word is aeinthu aaththu thanni paayim nilaththin [Punjab] Thamizhan – the Thamizh man of Punjab; aeinthu – five; aattruthanni – river water; paayim - flowing; nilam - land.
- Patanjali has the consonants- pa - the – an – sa - la- and the original Tamil word paesa solli than thaan–PaechchiAppan/ Paechchi Appan– the one who taught to speak; paesu-speak; sollithaa - to teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the - an -sa-la - and the original Tamil word is sen–Tamizh Mozhi thanthaan - the one who gave the classical language Thamizh; Sen- Thamizh - classical language Tamil.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the - an - sa- la - and the original Tamil word Muththamizh -thanthan -the one who gave three branches of Thamizh; muthth - thamizh – three sections of Tamil.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the - an –sa – la - and the original Tamil word is Thamizh mozhi – yaei paesa ezhutha solli thantha mozhi aasaan - the one who taught to speak and write the Thamizh language; mozhi - language; paesu - speak; ezhutha - to write; sollithaa- to teach; mozhi aasaan- language scholar.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa- the – an–sa - la- and the original Tamil word is mani maniyaa ezhutha solli than thaan –the one who taught to write legibly; mani - bead.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is muththu muththa - the one who taught to write legibly; muththu- bead / drops / pearl.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an - sa- la- and the original Tamil word is paththi paththiyaa ezhutha solli thanthaan – one who taught to write in paragraphs; paththi - paragraph.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an - sa - la - and the original Tamil word is nalla Tamizh paesa sonnan - the one who taught to speak in good Tamil; nalla - good; paesu –speak.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the – an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Thamizh ezhuththai thanthaan / ezhuththu nadai than thaan –the one who gave letters to Thamizh; ezhuthu- letters; thanthaan- he gave.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is padialanthaan – one who gives resources.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa- the - an- sa - la- and the original Tamil word is paechchin oli thanthaan - the one wh gave voice; paechchu- language; oli- sound.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa- the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is mozhi oli– yial paadam solli thanthaan – the one who taught phonetics of alanguage; oli–iyal- phonetics.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an - sa - la- and the original Tamil word is mozhiyin padi–oasai alanthaan - the one who taught phonetics of a language.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa- the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is mozhi adipadai solli thanthan - one who taught about the basics of language; mozhi- language; adi padai- basics; sollithaa- teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants –pa- the – an -sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Thamizh paechchin ezhuththu oaasai thanthaan - the one who taught phonetics of language; paechchu - language; ezhuththu - letters; oaasai - sound.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa- the – an - sa - la- and the original Tamil word is Thamizh mozhi aazham / moolam / adi sol / adipadai solli than thaan –the one who taught the root meaning for the Thamizh words; adi sol- root word.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa- the – an- sa- la - and the original Tamil word is Thamizh mozhiyil oaatha solli than thaan – Pachchai Appan / Paechchi Appan - the lord who taught to recite in Thamizh – Paechchi Appan; oaathu - recite; solli thaa- teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an- sa- la - and the original Tamil is Thamizh mozhi – yil pan seithaan - the one who wrote poems in Thamizh; pan - poem; seithaan- he composed / did.
- Patanjali has the consonants –pa - the – an – sa – la- and the original Tamil word is thol Thamizh mozhiyaei- sen –thamizhaa pann- paduththinaan –the one who made the ancient Tamizh language into a classical one; pann paduththu - to make it good; sen- thamizh - classical language Tamil.
- Patanjali has the consonants –pa - the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is paechchu mozhi–yaei ezhuthu mozhiyaa seithaan – seitha muthal mozhi aasaan – the Thamizh who made the language from oral form into written form; paechchu mozhi – oral language; ezhuththu mozhi - written language.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an –sa – la - and the original Tamil word is Thamzhil paadam / padippu solli than thaan – the one who taught lessons in Thamizh; paadam - lesson.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is thol Thamizh mozhi– yil noolai ezhuthiya muthal mozhi aasan – the first Tamil scholar to write books; nool - book; ezhuthu - write; mozhi aasaan - master of language.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa – the – an –sa – la - and the original Tamil word is thol Thamizh mozhiyaei semmai seitha mozhi aasaan / paanan –Panini –the poet who refined the old language Thamizh; semmai seika – to beautify; aasaan – master; paanan – singer.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is aadal than than / aada solli thanthan - the one who taught the art of dancing; aadu –to dance; sollithaa - teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an– sa – la- and the original Tamil word is paadal thanthaan / paada solli thanthann – the one who taught the art of singing; paadu - to sing; paattu / paadal –song; sollithaa - teach.
- Patanjalihas the consonants– pa - the - an– sa – la- and the original Tamil word is mana paadam panna solli thanthaan –the one who taught to byheart.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an - sa - la - and the original Tamil word is padippu solli thant haan - the one who taught lessons; padippu – learning/ education.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an– sa – la- and the original Tamil word is muthalil aaththu mannil ezhutha solli than thaan - at first he taught to write in the river sand; muthalil – in the beginning; aaththumanal - river sand; ezhuthu- write; sollithaa - teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an– sa – la - and the original Tamil word is pin yaettil / munn yaettil / paani oaattil ezhutha solli than thanan – later he taught to write in potherd or clay slabs; pin - later munnyaedu – clay tiles; paanai oaadu - potherd; ezhuthu –write; solli thaa - teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the - an– sa – la - and the original Tamil word is pin panai oalaiyil ezhutha solli than than - later he taught to write inpalmola; paani –palm; olai - palm leaf.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an – sa – la- and the original Tamil word is pin Thamizh ezhuththai silai – yil pathi – th – thida solli than than - later he taught to write in stones slabs; pin- later; silai – stone / statue; pathi- carve.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an– sa – la- and the original Tamil word is pin seppu pattayaththil ezhutha solli than thaan – later he taught to write in copper tablets; seppu -copper; pattayam- tablet; ezhuthu –write.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an– sa – la - and the original Tamil word is pin – thaalil ezhutha solli than thaan – later he taught to write in paper sheet; pin - later; thaal - paper; ezhutha- to wite; sollithaa - to teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an- sa – la- and the original Tamil word is muthan muthalil Thamizh mozhi– yil pann isaiththaan / paadal amaiththaan – he who gave songs in Tamizh – Sivan; pann- songs; amaiththidu –to compose.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa- the – an –sa – la- and the original Tamil word is muthan muthalil maanudan paesiya mozhi – Thamizh mozhi – the first language of human beingsis Tamil; muthan muthalil - at first; maanudan - human being; paesiya –spoken; mozhi- language.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the – an- [-sa-] - la- and the original Tamil word is mozhi alanthaan – Sivan who measured the language; mozhi-language; alanthidu - to measure.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is sol – oaasai alanthaan – the one who taught phonetics of language; sol- language / word; oaasai - sound.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the – an - [-sa-] – la - and the original Tamil word is poo –nool anintha Thamizhan / Thol thamizhan – Sivan - the first Tamil person to wear poo nool; poo nool - sacred thread; thol - ancient.
Patanjali - the Dance Teacher
Paattu paadi aada solli
Paani Thamizh - the beauty of Tamil
Puli aattam aadum aal – one who dances like a tiger
- Patanjali has the consonants–pa- the – an –sa – la - and the original Tamil word is aada –paada / nadanam aada solli thantha aasaan / nattan – the dance teacher; aadu - dance; paadu – sing; nadanam - dance; sollithaa - teach; aasaan - master.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is iduppai aatta solli than than – the one who taught belly dance; iduppu - hip / waist; aatttu – shake.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an –sa – la - and the original Tamil word is thaandi thaandi aada solli than thaan – the one who taught leaping dance; thaandu – leap; aadu – dance; sollithaa - teach .
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an – sa – la- and the original Tamil word is mella mella asainthaada solli than thaan - the one who taught to dance slowly and gently; mella - slowly; asainthaadu - shake and dance.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an -sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Naattiya saalai / aada paada solli thanthidum aasaan illam / nadana saalai – dance hall; naatiya saalai - dance hall; aasaan - master; illam – house.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-]- the – an – sa - la- and the original Tamil word isThillai nadana saalai / nadana soalai - the dance hall of Thillai.
- Patanjali has the consonants -pa-the – an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Ampalaththaan – the dancer of the universe; ampalam - space.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-]- the – an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Anal aadi –fire dancer; anal- fire; aadi –dancer.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the – an - [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is thoadaiyaei thatti thatti thaala meenthaan - one who gave dance/ song rhythm- Sivan ; thoadai –thigh; thattu- to tap;thaalam – rhythm / beat.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is isai solli than thaan – the one who taught music; isai - music; solli than than - one who taught.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is isai – yin thaalaththai oththu aada / paada sonnan - the one who taught to sing and dance in tune with music beats; isai- music; thaalam- beat; oththu- in harmonious.
- Patanjali has the consonants -pa—the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thamizh Pannaan / Panaan / Paanini - Thamizh poet / singer; paanan - singer.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an -sa- la- and the original Tamil word is aadal paadal paththiya isai Thamizh noolai ezhuthinaan - wrote a book on dance and music in the Tamil language; aadal - dance; paadal - song; isai - music; nool - book; ezhuthu –write.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an - [-sa-] - la- and the original Tamil word is pann isai paadal seithaan – one who made songs; pann - song; isai - music.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-]- the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is Thillai Aandai / Thilai Naathan / Thillai Natesan –Sivan - the sun god.
Patanjali - the Health Giver
udal nalanai oaamputhal
- Patanjali has the consonants –pa - the – an- [- sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is pon / poo udalthanthaan - one who gave body; udal - body; pon- gold; poo- flower; thaa- give.
- Patanjali has the consonant s- pa- the – an –sa – la- and the original Tamil word is udal nalam than thaan – one who gave physical health; udal - body; nalam - health.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an –sa – la- and the original Tamil word is mana nalam than thaan – one who gave mental health; manam - mind; nalam - health.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an –sa - la- and the original Tamil word is udal nalam / mana nalam paeana / payila solli thantha aasaan– the one taught to maintain healthy body by doing exercises; paenuka- to take care; payilu - learn; aasaan - teacher.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is naalum nadai payila solli thanthaan - the one who taught to go for daily walking; naal- day; naalum - daily; nadai -walking;payila - learn.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an –sa – la - and the original Tamil word maalaiyil aadi oaada solli thanthan – the one who taught to play in the evening time; maalai - evening; aadu –dance; oaadu –run.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an –sa – la- and the original Tamil word is udal nalanai oaampa sonnaan – one who advised to take care of the body; udal- body; nalan - health; oaampidu - take care.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an -sa - la- and the original Tamil word is saththulla theeni pandam thinna sonnan - one who taught to eat nutritious food; saththu -nutrition; theeni -eatable;thinnu-eat.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the – an –sa – la- and the original Tamil word is naattil noai nodi / thoththu noaei - illatha soozhalai seithaan – one who made a infectious disease free state; thoththu noaei - infectious disease; illai - without; soozhal - atmosphere.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the – an - sa– la- and the original Tamil word is thooimai–yaana soozhalai paeana sonnan – the one whotaught to maintain hygienic atmosphere; thooimai - clean; soozhal- environment.
Cultural aspect; Significance of pottu / binthi
Pictures show various phases of moon on the forehead of women; dark pottu –spot - signifies the new moon; red one signifies the full moon; crescent one is the other one; on the fertility aspect; crescent pottu adorns the forehead of little girls; red saffron pottu on the forehead of an adolescent girl signifies that she had attained puberty; a big red saffron pottu over the forehead denotes that the woman is married; a very big red saffron pottu over the forehead hair indicates that the woman has become a mother; sun is the man; moon is the woman; hence lord Sivan has his wife on his head.
Patanjali - Sivan
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an –sa - la- and the original Tamil word is mun – neththiyila moonu saampal pattai ullavan / eesan / Iyan – one who has three stripes of ash on his forehead; mun nettri – forehead; moonu – three; saampal - ash; pattai - stripe; three ash stripes signify his victory over the three planets Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an –sa – la - and the original Tamil word is pon–nilaa soodi - one who wears moon.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an – sa - la- and the original Tamil word is mun neththiyil saeppu pottu ulla aaththaal - the goddess with saffron mark on her forehead; saeppu – red; pottu –bindhi - mark; aaththaal - deity.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa- the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is pondaatti neththiyila pottu itta Iyan / eesan - one who applied bindhi on his wife’s forehead.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa- the – an –sa - la- and the original Tamil word is Thalayil nila ponnai sumanththidum aal / eesan / Iyan -the person who is carrying the female – moon goddess; thalai - head; nilaa - moon; ponnu –female; sumakka - to carry; aal - person.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an – sa - la- and the original Tamil word is paathi penn udal ulla aal / eesan/Iyan - half of his body is female

Poo nool / Pon- nool / Panju nool poondaan
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is poo-nool / ponnool / panju nool aninthaan – one who wears the sacred thread tied with flowers; poo nool - sacred thread; pon – gold; ponnool - golden thread; panju nool - cotton thread; poo - flower.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an -sa- la- and the original Tamil word is thee paththiya ponnanai anaiththu azhiththu – ponnanai suththi ulla pon thool - pon - nool ani –yaa aninththaan – sun god - Sivan wearing the golden thread - jewel as a mark of humiliating Jupiter / making him a failed star; pon – nool - golden threads -the rings around the Jupiter; pon thool - golden dusts; ponnan – the golden Jupiter; thee - fire; thee – yaei anaiththidu - to put off the fire; azhiththidu – to kill; ponnan - golden one –Jupiter; pon thool - gold dust; ponnool - golden thread; aninthavan - one who is wearing.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an - [-sa-] - la- and the interpretation of the word is the word punitha maana panju nool - sacred thread; punitham - thooimai - sacred; panju – cotton; nool - yarn.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an – sa - la- and the interpretation of the word is the word mana naalil mana / soodum ponalaana manja thaali – bride wearing the golden badge; manam - marriage; naal - day; mana ponnu- bride; aninthidu –to wear; pon- gold; thaali - marriage badge; manja - yellow.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the – an –sa - la- and the original Tamil word is thoalil aninthidum panju nool thundu - the cotton shoulder cloth; thoal - shoulder; panju – cotton; thundu - piece of shoulder cloth.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the - an– sa- la - and the original Tamil word is sannamaana moonu panju noolanin thaan – one who wears the sacred thread made of cotton; panju nool thundai thol - il anithaan - panju / cotton - the clouds of the sky.
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the - an -sa- la- and the original Tamil word is pala palaththidum pon –naalaana sanna noolani aninthaan - one who wears the shiny golden thread; palapalappu - shiny; pon - goldsannam - slender; nool – thread; ani-ornament .
- Patanjali has the consonants– pa - the - an– sa - la- and the original Tamil word is Pon –Thattaan thoalil aninthidum sannam aana ponaala ana nool ani – the gold smith wearing golden jewel thread; pon Thattaan - gold smith; thoal - shoulder; pon - gold; sannam - slender; nool - thread; ani - ornament.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[ - pa-] - the - an– sa – la- and the original Tamil word is uliyaal seththi silai seithidum aasan thoalil aninthidum nool ani – sculptors wearing the shoulder jewel thread; uli - chisel; seththu – cut; silai - statue; seithidu –do; aasaan - master.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an -[-sa-] - la- and the original Tamil word is Puli thole aadai aninthaan – Sivan - one who wears the skin of the tiger – Jupiter- rings; puli - tiger; thole - skin / leather; aninthidu –wear.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa- the - an- -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Puli tholaan / puli aadaiyaan –Sivan; puli –tiger; aadai- clothe; thole – leather / skin.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an -[-sa-]- la - and the original Tamil word is Puli udaiyaan / simmam udaiyaan -Sivan - the lord of the tiger / lion; puli – tiger/ lion; simmam - lion; udaiya -has.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [--pa-] - the – an - [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is poathai thanni aal - Sivan – the drunkard - symbolic of humiliating the ice giants – Uranus and Neptune; poathi thanni - intoxicating water; aal - person; poathai thanni - water of Neptune.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is thoalil / thalaiyil–thannipaanai - yaenthiya aal – one who carries the water pot on his shoulder symbolic of humiliating the ice giants – Uranus and Neptune; karaka aatta-k-kaaran- dancer carrying a water pot on his head;thoal- shoulder; thalai - head; thanni- water; paanai - pot.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an – sa - la- and the original Tamil word is anjaam suththu paathaiyil pon meenai azhiththaan – victory over Jupiter; anjaam - fifth; paathai - path; suththu paathai - orbit; ponmeen - planet -Jupiter; azhiththidu - to ruin.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an – sa – la- and the original Tamil word is uootha meenai - mathi / pachchai thanni meenai azhiththan - victory over Neptune and Uranus – lord Pachchai Aappan – Sivan; uootha - blue; mathi - planet; pachchai thanni – fresh water; azhiththidu – to ruin.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa- the - an- -sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Thillayil - pon –thaali thanthau pondaatti - yoadu saenthaan - Sivan married Uma after giving goldenthaali – the marriage badge; ponthaali - golden badge; pondaatti- wife; saenthaan- one who has united.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa- the – an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is poo maalai aninthann - one who wears flower garland; poo- flower; maalai - garland.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa- the – an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is ponnanai azhiththan / anju ezhuththan - one who conquered Jupiter; ponnan - golden one / Jupiter; azhiththidu – ruin; anju - 5;ezhuththu – letter.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]- the - an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Mun Mathanai azhiththan – one who conquered Neptune; azhiththidu – kill / ruin; Mun Mathan –lord kaama Deva – Neptune.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an -[-sa-] – la - and the original Tamil word is ponnaal aana pinaiyal / mani maalai aninthaan – one who wears a golden garland; pinaiyal - garland; maalai - garland; mani – stones / bead.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is ponnaal aana / manja nool thaali thanthaan mana pennukku – he gave the golden marriage badge to hisbride;pon –gold; manjanool - yellow thread; thaali – marriage badge; man ponnu - bride.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an– sa - la- and the original Tamil word is panjil nool neiya solli than thaan - one who taught to make thread from cotton; panju – cotton; nool - thread; solli thaa - teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants –pa - the – an - [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is nool aadai pinna / neithida solli than thaan - one who taught to weave cloth; aadai - cloth; pinna - to knit; neithida - to weave.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [--pa-] - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is nool seithaan – one who wrote books; nool- book; sei –do / make.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [--pa-] - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is mazhai pozhiya seithaan – one who gave rain; mazhai - rain; pozhiya - to shower.
- Patanjali has the consonants -pa - the – an –sa – la- and the original Tamil word is nilaththai pann paduththi uzhuthida solli than thaan – one who taught to plough; nilam - land; uzhuthidu - to plough.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the – an - sa- la- and the original Tamil word is munn paani seithida solli than thaan – one who taught to make pots; munn paanai - clay pot; seithidu – make.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an--sa- la- and the original Tamil word is mut panda thozhilai solli than than - one who taught to make pots; mut - paandam- earthern vessel; thozhil- profession; sollithaa - teach.
- Patanjali has the consonants – pa - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thalai Paliyan – Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-] - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thalai Maalaiyan - Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-] - the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thalai Yaenthi – Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Mutha loan - the first one - Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thoazhan – friend- Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thazhal Yaenthi – fire holder; yaenthu - to hold; thazhal - fire.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thazhal eduththan –Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-- the - an- -sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Thazhal Sadaiyan - Sivan; sadai - braided hair; thazhal – fire.
- Patanjali has the consonants- --pa- the - an- -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Punal Yaenthi – Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-]- the - an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thanathan thozhan –Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants- --[-pa-]- the - an- -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thaayinum nallaan –better then one’s mother- Sivan; thaai- mother; nallaan - good person.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]- the - an- -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thaazh Sadaiyan –Sivan with matted hair; sadai – matted / braided hair.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-]- the – an – sa - la- and the original Tamil word is Thillai Aandai / Thilai Naathan / Thillai Natesan –Sivan - the sungod; aandai - naathan.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-]- the – an – sa – la - and the original Tamil word is Thillai nadana saalai / nadana soalai - the dance hall of Thillai; nadanam - dance; saalai - hall.
- Patanjali has the consonants - [-pa-]- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Anal Yaenthi –fire holder - Sivan; yaenthu –to hold; anal - fire.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]- the - an-[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Anal aadi – fire dancer; anal - fire; aadi – dancer.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Anju ezhuththan – one with five letters- as a mark of victory over the 5th planet Jupiter; anju - 5; ezhuthu - letter.
- Patanjali has the consonants- [-pa-]- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Atha laa-daiyan –Sivan .
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Oppu illaathaan - one without comparison; oppu - equal; illai - nil.
- Patanjali has the consonants -pa-the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Ampalaththaan –the dancer of the universe; ampalam - space.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]- the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Aazhi eenthaan –Sivan – who gave water; aazhai- water; eenthaan - given.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Thaayilla-Thaayan –Sivan - the sun - the one without mother - came on his own; thaai- mother; illai- without .
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Aalamundaan - one who took the poison ; aalam - poison; undidu –eat.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the – an -[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Azhal maeni udaiyaan –one with fire form ; azhal- fire; maeni- body; udaiya- has .
- Patanjali has the consonants- -[-pa-]-the - an- --[-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Eeduillaan –person with no one to compare; eedu - comparison; illai - without.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Ellai illaathaan – one without boundary; ellai - boundary; illai - without.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Enndoalan –Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- sa- la- and the other interpretation of the word is Salam thalaiyaan –Sivan .
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Sudalai aandi –Sivan – the man of graveyard.
- Patanjali has the consonants- -pa-the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Soolapadaiyaan / moo- ilaiyaenthi –Sivan with the trident; soolam - trident; moonu- three; ilai - leaf; yaenthu - to hold.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Maalai Mathiyaan –evening sun; maalai - evening.
- Patanjali has the consonants -[-pa-]-the - an- [-sa-]- la- and the original Tamil word is Muzhuthoan –the full one- the sun- Sivan.
- Patanjali has the consonants- pa - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Naattiya saalai / aada paada solli thanthidum aasaan illam / nadana saalai – dance hall; aadu – to dance; paadu - to sing; aasaan - master; illam - house.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Anjaammeeani / mathi azhiththan / ponnanai azhiththan - sun – Sivan who conquered Jupiter – the fifth planet to orbit around sun; anjaam mathi - fifth planet; ponnan – Jupiter- the golden one; azhi- kill.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Nanjai azhiththan/ aalamundaan -Sivan who took the poison; nanju / aalam - poison; undidu- eat.
Patanjali- The Snake of The Sky
The Snake Inside The Womb - Placenta
- Patanjali has the consonants- pa - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is panithanniyil ulla anjuthalai paampu - the placenta of the amniotic fluid - the five heads signify the 10 months [ 5 x 2 ] of pregnancy; anju - 5; thalai - head; paampu - snake.
- Patanjali has the consonants - pa - the - an- sa- la- and the original Tamil word is Pani thanni nanju naalam –the placenta of the amniotic fluid; pani thanni - amniotic fluid; nanju - poison; naalam - tube / vessel.
Cultural aspect;
Paampuattam (snake dance) (Tamil: ????????????) is a folk dance from Tamil country, India. Snakes are considered as the protecting divinity which safeguards health and prosperity. Snakes are also related to the Hindu deity Murugan. Usually girls perform this dance with a snake skin-like costume. The performer simulates snake movements, writhing, creeping and making quick biting movements with the head and hands. The hands are also held together to look like the hood of a cobra.
In the classical dance form Bharata Natyam the snake dance is performed in a manner similar to the old folk dance.
- Baratha has the consonants– pa- Ra - the- and the original Tamil word is oaatha / paada payeirchchi tharum paeriaasiriyar [missing letter-sa-] –teacher of music and dance; oaatha - to recite;aada - to dance; paada - to sing; payeirchchi –training;paer - great; isai - music; aasiryar/aachchaariya – teacher.
- Baratha has the consonants– pa- Ra - the- and the original Tamil word is Paraththai – dancer.
- Paraththai has the consonants– pa- Ra - the- and the original Tamil word is – aadi paadum pendeer - the singing dancers; pendeer - women.
- Paraththai has the consonants -pa- Ra – the- and the original Tamil word is sathiraadum pendeer [missing letter-sa-] –stage dancers.
- Paraththai has the consonants -pa- Ra - the - and the original Tamil word is – sathiraadum pendeer [missing letter- sa-] - the temple dancers.
- Baratha naattiyam has the consonants -pa- Ra - the- an – the ma- and the original Tamil word is Paraththaiyarin - aattam - the dance of the temple dancer; aatam- dance.
- Ananda thandava has the consonants - an -the - an - the –an- the -va – and the original Tamil word is andaththai aandidum aandavanin / aandai-yin kondaatta kuthiyaattam / Nanthanin kuththu aattam - the victory dance by sun; sooththiram; ka= va; va= ka.
- Vilva has the consonants –va - la– va - and the original Tamil word is koovilam - vilva; sooththiram; ka= va; va= ka.
- Vilva has the consonants - va - la -va- and the original Tamil word isvaanveli –space; vaan - sky; veli –space.
- Dikshitar has the consonants- the - ka-[- sa-] - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is aandavarin adiyavar - god’s disciple; aandavan - god; adiyavar - disciple.
- Dikshitar has the consonants- the - ka-[- sa-] - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is aarya kooththaathaar / kaththiraththaar/ koasttiyinar - Aryan group; koottam - group.
- Dikshitar has the consonants- the - ka-[- sa-] - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Vaetham oaathum Prokithar [missing letter- pa-] – the priests reciting Aryan Vedas; sootthiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Dikshitar has the consonants- the - ka- sa - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Sivan / Thiru Murugan Thiru kovir karuvaraiyir / sannithanththir / aandavarin sanni thanaththir thiru marai / thiru manthiram oaathukiravar - one who recites Thamizh holy scriptures in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple or in the sanni thaanam; thirumarai - holy scriptures; oaathu - recite; thiru koavir - holy temple; karuvarai - sanctum sanctorum.
- Dikshitar has the consonants - the - ka- sa - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Vaetham oaathum aariya koottaththar / koaththiraththaar - the Aryan people who recites theirVedas; koottaththaar - group; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Dikshitar has the consonants- the - ka- sa - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is yaakam seikindra Veitheeka samayaththaar -the Aryan Hindu priests who do Yagnam; sei - do; Vaeitheekar - Vedic Aryan people; samayam - religion.
- Dikshitar has the consonants- the - ka- sa - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Vishnuvai vanukkiravar / Sivanai yaetru kondavar – one who worships Aryan god Vishnu; one who has accepted god Sivan; vanankku - worship; yaerkka - to accept.
- Dikshitar has the consonants- the - ka- sa - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Sivanukku ethiraanavar – one who is against Sivan; ethiraaka - against.
- Dikshitar has the consonants - the - ka- sa - the -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Samaskiruthaththir manthiram oaathukiravar - one who recites holy scriptures in Sanskrit.
- Dikshitar has the consonants - the – ka- sa - the - Ra- and the original Tamil word is Samaskirutha Vaetham kattru arinthoar – one who has mastered Aryan Vedas.
Thillaivaazh Anthanar - Sivan
- Thillaivaazh anthanar has the consonants - the - la - va - la- an -the -an -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Thillai –yil vaazhum orae oru anthanar eraivan mattumae - the only anthanar living in Thillai is lord himself; vaazhum – living; orae oru - only one; eraivan - god.
- Thillaivaazh anthanar has the consonants - the - la - va - la- an -the -an -Ra- and the original Tamil word is – Thamizh vazhi anthanar / Thamizh mozhiyil / aakama vithiyil thiru manthiram oaathiya anthanar – oaathvaar; thamizh vazhi – Tamil medium; vithi - rule; thiru manthiram - holy scriptures; oaathuvaar - one who recites.
- Thillaivaazh anthanar has the consonants - the - la - va - la- an -the -an -Ra- and the original Tamil word is tholvazhi anthanar – traditional priests; thol - ancient; tholvazhi – traditional.
- Thillaivaazh anthanar has the consonants - the - la - va - la- an -the -an -Ra- and the original Tamil word is Thozhil vazhi anthanar – Thamizh mozhiyil thiru manthiram oaathiya anthanarai – oathvaarai – Thillai Thiru kovilai vittu thuraththi adiththu vaetha manthiram oaathiya aariya anthanar; the Aryan priests drove away the Tamil priests from the temple; thozhil - job; thuraththu - drive away; aarya anthanar - Aryan priests; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Thillaivaazh anthanar has the consonants - the - la - va - la- an -the -an -Ra- and the original Tamil word is valayamulla vaan kole viyaazhanai - yim / mai kolaiyim eriththu maarayaththoadu vaan thidalil / vinnveli –yil aadiya naayiru / aadal vallaan / anal yaenthi; valayam - ring; ulla - having; viyaazhan – Jupiter; maikoal - Saturn; eriththu –burnt; maaraayam - merry; vaan-sky; thidal- space aadiya –danced; naayiru –Ra- sun; sooththiram; ka= va; va= ka.
- Anthanar has the consonants -an - the – an – Ra - and the original Tamil word is Nanthanar - One of the 63 Naayan Maar.
- Anthanar has the consonants -an - the –an –Ra- and the original Tamil word is thiru thondan – holy servant - of the god; thiru- holy; thondan- servant.
- Anthanar has the consonants - an - the –an - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thiru marai / Thirumanthiram oaathum erai adiyaar – one who recites sacred scriptures; erai adaiyaar - priests.
- Anthanar has the consonants - an - the – an – Ra - and the original Tamil word is aarya inaththaar – Aryan people; inam – race.
- Puli Patti [city of Jupiter]has the consonants – pa - la- pa – the - and the interpretation of the word is Pulaiyan Patti - city of the Pulaiyan people who deal with animal flesh and leather; puli / tiger - Jupiter with golden rings; patti - village.
- Thiru pun-k-kor has the consonants - the - Ra - pa – an - ka – Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru pann koorukirvar – paraiyar peru makan – one who recites holy scriptures – Nanthanaar - the great Paraiyah; thiru - holy; pan – song / hymn; paraiyar - Paraiyha; peru makan - great person; kooru - say.
- Thiru pun-k-kor has the consonants - the - Ra - pa – an - ka – Ra- and the original Tamil word is kathiravan ponnira meenaiyim, mai nira meenaiyim – uootha nira meenaiyim vettri konda uoor / koattam – the place where sun conquered Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune; kathiravan - sun; pon- gold; niram - color; meen – star / planet; mai meen - Saturn; vettri - victory; uoor - city; koattam - temple; Thiruvithaankkur.
- Nanthanar has the consonants -an - the – an – Ra - and the original Tamil word is anthanar.
- Nanthanar has the consonants -an - the – an – Ra - and the original Tamil word is aathanooraan – one from the place called Aathanur.
- Nanthan has the consonants -an - the – an – Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru mararai / manthiram oaathum erai adiyaar – reciters of holy scriptures; oaathu - recite; thiru marai - holy scriptures; erai - god; adiyaar - servant.
Decoding the sooththiram word – Thiru naalaipoavaar
Thirunoolai paraiyar poonuvar / anivaar / mup-puripoona urimai – yaanavar
- Thiru naalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa- va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru noolaninthida urimai ullavar eraivan / gnaayiru oruvarae - the person who has the rights to wear poo - nool is the god only; thirunool - sacred thread; urimai - rights; eraivan - god; gnaayiru- sun; oruvarae - the only person.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants -the -Ra– an - la - pa -va- Ra - and the original Tamil word is ilam vayathil aan pillaikal iduppil / araiyil aninthidum mu – p –puriyaalaan aaraignaan kayeiru - the young adolescent boys wearing aria nool in the hip; ilamai - youth; vayathu – age; pillaikal - children;aria - waist; nool - thread.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thamizh thiru marai Oathuvaarkal / Anthanarkal /Iyer tham thoalil aninthidum muppuri nool – the reciters of Taamizh holy scriptures wearing poo - nool - the sacred thread; thiru marai – holy scripture; oaathuvaar - one who recites; thoal - shoulder; aninthidu - wear; nool - thread; muppuri - three strands.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants – the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru mana naalil anaiththu mana makan poo nool aninthida vaendum / mana penn manjal thaali aninthida vaendum [missing letter-sa] – the bride groom has to wear the poo nool on the marriage day; brides should wear thaali – marriage badge; ‘neerai uoottri neruppai anaiththal’ endra unmaiyaei mana makkal purinthu kolla vaendum; thiru manam - marriage; naal - day; mana makan - bride groom; mana ponnu - bride; pool nool - sacred thread; thaali - marriage badge; neer - semen; neruppu - sexual desire; anaikka - to put off.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is gnaayiru enum parithi vaanir thirintha / pattri erintha paru meen / thee pori moondrai eriththu anaiththu vettri adainthathin adaiyaalamae muppuri enum - thiru nool - the poo - nool / ponnool signifies the victory of thiripura soora - the sun over the planets - Jupiter, Saturn and and Neptune - tree strands of poo nool; gnaayiru - sun; parithi- sun;vaan- sky; pattri eriya - burning; paru meen - big star; thee pori - fire sparkle; moondru - three; vettri - victory; adaiyaalam - symbol; mup–puri-three strands.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is mup–purinool enpathu vaanil kathiravanai suttri thiriyim koal-kalai [ponmeen / maimeen] suttri ulla pukai thukal –kalaal aana vanna valayankkal aakum / uootha vanna mudaiya thanni paanai koalyim saerthae [missing letter-sa-] – the rings around the gas giants - jupiter, Saturn and Neptune siginify the poo nool; koalkal - planets; pukai smoke; thukal - dust particles; vannam - color; valayankkal - rings; uootha vannam - blue color; thanni paanai meen - Neptune; thanni - water; paanai - pot; meen - star / planet.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa -va- Ra - and the original Tamil word is vaanir kathiravanin, koal –kalin oattaththai thulliyamaka kanakkitta; pon meenaiyim, mai meenayim, uootha vanna paanai meenaiyim, mup–puram erintha vithaththaiyim / am meenakalai suththi ulla vanna valayankkalai kandarinthu ulakukku muthalil sonna Thamizh kaniyarkalukkae / Valluva kula makkalukkuae ponnool anithida urimai undu - the Thamizh kaniyar people have the first right to wear poo nool–ponnool-thiru nool; vaan - sky; kathiravan - sun; koalkal - planets; oaattam - running; thulliyamaaka - exactly; kanakkidu - to calculate; ponmen - golden star / planet - Jupiter; mai meen- dark Saturn; uootha vanna meen - blue color planet – Neptune - moonu - three; puram - city; vitham - manner; vannam - color; valayam - ring; kandu arika - to know; ulkam - world; muthalil - very first; Kaniyar - astrologer; makkal –people; ponnool - golden thread; aninthida - to wear.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is vaana– viyial vallunarkal / Valluvarkal kandu arintha vaana–viyal perummai - the great finding of astronomy discovered by Valluvar - kaniyar; vaana – viyal - astronomy; vallunarkal - experts; Valluvar - astrologer; perum - big; unmai - truth.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is vilankkin thoalai uriththu patha paduththum / parai adiththidum Pulai–yanukkae mup–puri nool aninthida urimai undu - leather workers have the rights to wear mup – purinool; vilankku - animal; thole - skin; patha paduththu - to tan; parai - a kind of drum; adikka - to beat; pulaiyan - leather worker / meat eater; muppuri nool - the thread with three strands; urimai - rights.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is muthan– muthalil pon-naal aana thiru noolai / mup–puri noolai poondavar – Paraiayar / Mannar - Periyaar – karuvaraiyir kaavar-k-kaarar / poosaariyar aavar [missing letter- sa-] -the king and the Pariyah priests who looked after the sanctum sanctorum were the first to wear thiru nool – the sacred thread; mutha muthalil - at very first; pon – gold; nool - thread; thiru nool - sacred thread; poondavar - one who was wearing; paraiyar - Paraiyah community; periyar - great people; karuvarai - sanctum sanctorum; kaavar - kaarar - guardian of the sanctum sanctorum; poosari - Tamil priest.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants- the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is mup – puri noolai aninthida urimai ulla Paraiyan – endra unmai– yaei uraiththa Nanthanar – Paraiyah people have the rights to wear poo - nool / ponnool; Paraiyah people deals with leather and Sivan wears leather dress / tiger skin dress given by them; the tiger skin signifies sun god’s victory over Jupiter - one of the three threads of poo -nool;unmai - truth; uraiththidu - say; paraiyar - Paraiyah caste people; muppuri nool - thread with three strands; aninthida - to wear; urimai - rights.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is mup-puri noolai aninthida urimai ulla Kaikkolar – endra unmaiyaei uraiththa Nanthanar; kaikkolar are the weavers of yarn –mup - purinool and they have the rights to wear poo nool; muppuri - three strands;nool - yarn; urimai - rights; kai –kolar - weaver community.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is maravaelai pani-k-kaarar kalukku / mun –nilaikaararukku / Thuvattaruku poo nool poada urimai undu - carpenters have the rights to wear poo nool since they make wooden statues of Lord Sivan who wears the mup p-urinool; maram - wood / timber; vaelai - work; panikaarar - workers; munnilaikaarar - carpenters; thuvattar - smith / carpenter; urimai - rights.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thuvattaruku / Thattaarukku / ponvilai makkalukku thiru nool aninthida urimai undu – golds miths have the rights to wear poo - nool since they make golden mup -puri nool for the gods’ idols; thuvattar - smith; thattaan - gold smith; ponvilai makkal - gold smith; thiru nool - sacred thread.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the -Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is uliyaal sethukki kal-lil – silai seithidum kal - Thachcharukku poo nool aninthida urimai undu [missing letter- sa-]; sculptors have the rights to wear poo nool as the make idols wearing poo nool; uli - chisel; seththuka - to carve; kal - stone; silai - statue; kal thachchar - sculptor; poonool - sacred thread; aninthida - to wear; urimai - rights.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is munn-aal aana paanai pannum munn - udaiyaarukku / kuyavarukku poo nool aninthida urimai undu; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka Potters have the rights to wear poo - nool as the water pot signifies the ice giants – Neptune / Uranus – one of the three strands of the mup - purinool; munn - clay; paanai - pot; pannu - make; munnudaiyaar - Potter; Kuyavar - Potter; poonool - sacred thread.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru nool / poo nool aninthida urimai konda Vanniyar perun-k- kudi makkal; Vanniyar - the warrior caste people who knew the art of handling the sharp weapons / the sun rays of Lord Sivan - were the soldiers of the sun god - Sivan when he fought against Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune in getting the mup –purinool; thirunool - sacred thread; Vanniyar- warrior caste; perunkkudi - great clan; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an -la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is aattru neeril thuniyaei - erai uruva muduththiya aadaiyaei thuvaiththu thooimai seithidum Vannarukku / Vannar inathavarukku poo nool poada urimai undu - washer men community has the rights to wear poo nool / thiru nool since they wash the clothes of the gods’ idol; aattruneer - river water; thuni - cloth; erai uruvam – vikirakam - idol; uduththu – to wear; aadai - dress; thuvaikka - to wash; Vannaar - washer men.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants- the - Ra - an -la - pa–va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is muppuri noolai aninthida urimai ulla Vellaalan / Vaelaan inaththavar / vellaththai - aaluvoar / Pillai -Maar –endra unmaiyaei uraiththa Nanthanar; the agricultural people have the rights to wear poo nool; agricultural people offer ‘kaanikkai’ like flowers / fruits to the Lord Sivan; Vaelaar deals with agricultural land and does water irrigation; water pots signify the ice giants from which Siva took water to put off the fire in the Jupiter and Saturn and made them as failed stars; mup – purinool - thread with three strands; aninthida - to wear; urimai – rights; Vellaalaan - farmer.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants- the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Maadu / Velladukalai maeikkum Aayarukku / Idaiyar kula makkal / Vinthar makkalukku / Vellaayanukku / muppuri noolai anininthida urimai undu; shepherds have the rights to wear poo nool; Siva -the sun god himself is the udumban - the shepherd - of the sky; udu - stars – the sheep of the sky; shepherds have the staff in their hands - the sun ray; maadu – cattle; vellaadukal - goat; maeikka - to pasture; Aayar - shepherd; Idaiyar - shepherd; urimai – rights; Vellaayan - shepherd.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la – pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is muppuri noolai aninthidia urimai ulla Vanikar – endra unmai –yaei uraiththa Nanthanar; trader community has the rights to wear poo nool; traders move from place to place along with the sun from east to west daily and they sell yarn also; muppuri nool - thread with three strands; aninthidu - wear; vanikar – trader / merchant; unmai - truth; uraiththidu – say.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an -la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiripuram / mup– puram eriththa varalaattrai pattri ondrumae ariyaatha aarya paarpinarukku poo nool poonaentha oru urimaium illai - Aryan priests have no rights to wear poo nool as they know nothing about the sun’s victory over the gas giants and ice giants; puram - city; thiri - moondru; eriththa - burnt; varalaaru – history; ariyaatha - not known; paarppinar - Brahmin; urimai - rights; illai - nil.
Thirunaalai poavaar
Thirunool poonuvoar - Paraiyar – Paraiyah
Valakkai _Edakkai war in Tamilagam during Cholo period From the Period of Chola kingdom to 18 thcentury,there was frequent caste war between two caste groups called Valakkaiyar (Right hand wing),Edikkaiyar(Left hand wing).The caste groups stood right side of court of chola king called as Valakkaiyar and the caste group stood on the left side of the court called Edaikkayar. Each Caste group consists of 98 castes. Valakkaiyar group consists of Vellalar, Komuti, Pallar, okkalikar of Karnataka, Reddy of Andhra Pradesh and other castes .This group was waging war under the leadership of Brahmin Caste. Edakkaiyar group consists of Chettiar, Vanniar, Parayar, Sakkaliar, Panchalars of Karnataka, Panchanulukus of Andhra Pradesh and other castes. This group was waging war under the leadership of Viswakarma caste. Basis of the grouping of the castes is generally nativity of area of Tamilagam. The valakkaiyar are generally the native of the area and their primary occupation is Agriculture. The Edakkaiyar are generally the migrated people for occupations and for business. Their primary occupation is Agriculture allied Industrial activities. (Source Malayalamanorama yearbook 2003 page250-251) According to Sir Walter Elliot, the fights between these two caste groups were the continuance of the conflicts between Hinduism and Buddhism.
Each group has a seperate temple, separate campus for performing their religious rituals, separate Devadashi (Call girls), separate Dancers (source Nilakanda shastri). Viswakarma caste established their right to wear holy thread (poonool) by showing evidence from Rig-Veda during the second year of the period of KolathungacholanI.The clashes between these two groups aggravated this time. Temples of each group were damaged. Raja Mallachandra sathurvedi mangalam was burned. The residential areas were robbed. The Vallakkaiar had more power during theChola kingdom. The Edakkaiyar had more powerduringtheVijayanagara Kingdom and Pallava period. Some castes of these groups changed the legacy from time to time and locality to locality. But the enmity between ViswaBrahmin (Viswakarma) and Brahmin continues till today. For example, a case was filed in theHigh court of Chennai against using Achari as surname of the viswakarma caste of Tamilnadu. The HonourableHighcourt dismissed the request and permit to use Achari as surname to those belonging to the Viswakarma community.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va- Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai puliuooraan koavilil Thamizh mozhiyil thiru marai / thiru manthiram / thaevaaram oaathuvaar Perum -- Paraiyar inaththavar - the great Paraiyah –the reciter of holy scriptures in the Thillai temple; puli –tiger; uoor - city; koavil – temple; mozhi - language; thaevaaram - worship; oaathuvaar - one who recites; perum - big; paraiyar /Paerarasar / emperor.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai puliuooraan koavil - il karuvarai – yil - erunthu Thamizh mozhiyil thirumarai oaathiya pon – nool anintha paraiyar peru makan - the great Pariyah priest with the ponnool - who recited Tamil holy scriptures in the sanctum sanctorum of the Thillai temple; karuvarai - sanctum sanctorum; poo nool - thiru nool - sacred thread; paraiyar - Pariyah people; perumakan - lord.
The decoded story of Nandanaar
Thirunaalai poavaar
Thiru naaliluyirpoavum
Thamizh Anthanar vs Arya Anthanar

- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is aaryaa ediyar urimai kondaadum kovil nilaththai / Thillai Vaazhpuli uooraa–nin nilaththai / Thillai aanda varukku / aadal vallaanukku paaththiya patta vilai nilaththai – uzhuthu pann paduththiyavar / kudiyaanavar – Nanthanaar - Nanthanar - the plough man of the Thillai temple lands – Nanthanaar; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka; kovil - temple; nilam - land; vaediyar - Vedic priests; aandavar - god; sonthamaana – ownship; aadal - dance; vallan - skilled one; vilai nilam - farm land; uzhuthuidu - to plough; kudiyaanavar - Vellaala Pillai Maar – farmer / landlord.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru vizha naatkalil maattu tholaal aana perum paerikai panni kodukum paraiyar / pulaiyar – Nanthanar – theParaiyah made drums made of cattle leatherfor the temple; thiru vizha - festival; naal- day; perum- big; paerikai- drum; maadu - cattle; tholae- skin / leather; panni kodukka - make and give; paraiyar - the Paraiyah caste people; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai koavilukku maattin kudalil / vayeittril eruthu eduththa narumana pandam pullu uruviandroadum tharum adiyar -Iyer / anthanar - Nanthanar; Nanthanaar / the Pulaiyan gave to the temple god every day the good smelling koa - rosanai taken out of the cattle gut; maadu –cattle; vayeiru – stomach; narumanam - fragrant; pullu uruvi – koa - roasanai; androadam –daily;adiyaar – disciple / servant.
- Thiru naalaipoavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va- Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thiru vizhaa naallil vaeu-vaeru koavilkku poakiravar; poai koavir karuvaraiyir Thamizh mozhiyil thirumarai oaathukiravar; Nanthanaar used to visit various temples on festive days to recite Thamizh scriptures inside the karuvarai - the sanctum sanctorum; vevu - vaeru - different / various; poka - to go; koavil - temple; karuvarai - sanctum sanctorum; mozhi - language; thirumarai - holy scripture; oaathu - recite. sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the -Ra - an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word isThillaipuli uooraan - koavil-il aarya vaelvi panna / vaetham oaathvatharkku ethiraaka kalakam panniya Thamizh vazhi Thamizh Anthanar / ThamizhIyer - the ThamizhIyer / Paraiyah priest - by name Nanthanar who protested against the Aryan way of worshipping in Thamizh temple; vaelvi - yagnam; pannu - do; ethiraaka - against; kalakam - clash / protest; Thamizh vazhi - Tamil medium; sooththiram; ka = va; va = ka.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va-Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai aadal vallaanin thiru – vida varalaattrai ottum ariyaatha aarya paarppinarukku ponnool / poo nool poadum urimai illai endra unmai–yaei eduththu uraiththa Thamizh periyavar – the Aryan priests had no rights to wear pon - nool since they knew nothing about the history of the Thillai temple as revealed by Nanthanar; aadal - dance; vallaan - skilled one; thiru – vidam - holy land; varalaaru – hid story; ariyaatha - not known; unmai- truth; eduthu uraikka - to tell; periyavar - great person.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants- the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai puliuooraan koavilin varalaattrai maattri ezhuthiya / paazhadiththa aarya vaedavirpanar – the Aryan people started writing false accounts of the Thillai temple history based on their own interests; varalaaru – history; ezhuthiya- written; paazh –ruin; Vaedavirpanar – Vedicpriests.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa – va- Ra - and the original Tamil word is vada naattil erunthu pizhaippu thaedi vantha / unna unavu indri pattiniyaal vaadiya aarya paarpinarukku perum paraiyan / mannar perumaan / manam varuththap pattae, Thamil mozhiyaei padiththu / Thamizh mozhiyil thiru marai–yaei ThamizhIyer – idam payindraal mattumae thirukoavil paniyaalaaraka vaelai seiya / thirupani aatra urimai thanthar [missing letter- sa-] - the king gave permission to the poor Aryan people to work as temple servants with the condition that they had to learn the Tamil language and Tamil scriptures; vadakku - north; naadu –state; erunthu -from; pizhaippu - liveli hood; thaedu – seek; vantha - came; unna - to eat; unavu –food; pattini –starvation; vaada - to suffer; parppinar - Brahmin; perum Paraiyan - big king; mannar - king; perumaan - lord; manam - mind; varuththam - worry; mozhi - language; padi - learn; mattumae - then only; thiru - holy; koavil - temple; paniyaalar - servants; vaelai - job; urimai – rights.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants- the - Ra - an - la - pa -va- Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai puli uooraan thiru koavil paniyaalaaraka uooziyam paarththa aarya paarpinar karuvarai kaavar-k-kaaraka / archchakaraka / oaathu vaaraka Thamizharin idaththai vanjakamaka aakkiramiththa aariya paarpinar [missing letter- sa-] – ThamizhIyer priests reciting holy scriptures inside the sanctum sanctorum were replaced cunningly by the Aryanpriests; paniyaalar - servants; uoozhiyar – servants; paarppinar - Brahmin; karuvarai - sanctum sanctorum; archchakar - poosorikiravar – one who showers flowers; oaathuvoar- those who recite holy scriptures; vanjakam - cunningness; aakiramikka- to capture unlawfully.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants- the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thiru pann– koor koavillukku sendru thirumpiya / ThamizhIyerai / poosaari-yaei- Nanthanarai koavil – lukkul nuzhaiya vidaathu / thittamittu kalakam vilaiviththu – thaduththu theruvir niruththiya aarya anthanar - when Nanthanaar returned from Thiru pann- koorhe was not allowed to enter the temple by the Aryanpriests; poosaari - Tamil priests; nuzhaiya - to enter; thittam – plan; kalakam - quarrel / clash / protest; thaduththu – block; theru - street; niruththu –to make stand / stop.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is kalaam sella sella aarya anthanar Thamizh mozhiyaei viduthu aarya thamizh kalappu mozhiyil manthiram oaatha thuvankkinar – years later the Aryan priests started reciting manthiram in their own Aryan language and they avoided the Tamizh language fully which was given by Lord Sivan - the Thamizhan; kalam - time; sella - to go; viduththu – avoid; kalappu - mixed mozhi- language; oaathu – recite; thuvankku - start.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is parantha Vaan veliyil paranthu thirintha / pattri erintha moondru / naanku meenai – ponmeen – Jupiter – velli meen-Venus, mai meeani - Saturn eriththu pinnar uootha nira meenai[Neptune] thanniyaar (water) anaiththavan / than valak–kaalal mithithu vathaiththavar – endra unmaiyaei ariyaatha aarya paarpinar - sun god Sivan put off the fire in the planets Jupiter and Saturn with the water from the ice giants – Neptune / Uranus; parantha - wide; vaan - sky; veli - space; paranthidum - flying; thirintha - wandering; pattri eriyim - burning; moondru - three; naanku – four; meen – star / planet;pon – gols; velli - silver; uootha - blue; niram - ray; thanni – water; anaiththidu – to put off; ariyaathu - not known; paarppinar - Aryan priests.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai puli uooraan koavil varalaattrai oru thuliyim / ottum / muttrilum ariyaatha aarya paarppinar – madaiyar – the foolish Aryan priests knew nothing about the history of Thillai temple; varalaaru - history; oruthuli - a single drop; ottum – to tally; ariyaatha - not known aarya paarppinar - Aryan priests; madaiyar - foolish person / imbecile.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants- the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word isThillai puli uooraan koavil-ily evarukkum theriyaamal aariya paarppinar oliththu vaiththulla [thaevaaram / Thamizh thiru marai nool eruntha] araiyin vaathil kolai kaettavar - Nanthanaar demanded to give the key of the room in which Thamizh holy scriptures were hidden from the public by the Vedic priests; yevarukkum theriyaathu - no one knows; paarppinar - Brahmins; oliththidu - to hide; thaevaaram - Tamil holy scripture / hymn; nool - book; arai - room; vaathil – door; kole - key / stick; kaettida - asked.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an -la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Koavil thiru muzhukaattu vizhaavai Thamizh manthirankkal / thiru maraikal / thaevaaram oaathi vazhai pada vaendum endru uraiththa Nanthanaar - Nanthanar insisted that consecration festival of temple kalasas should be done reciting Thamizh holy scriputures; koavil – temple; thiru muzhukkaattu - consecration; thamizh- Tamil; manthiram – thiru marai; oaathu – recite; vazhi padu –worship; uraikka - to say.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra -an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is mup-puram eriththa naal kondaattaththin poathu aarya anthanar Tamaizh Nanthanarai uyiroadu vaelvi theeyil eriththida thittam theettinar – Aryan priests planned to kill Nanthanaaron the day of temple festival; mup –puram- three cities; eriththa - burnt;naal - day; kondaattam - celebration; aarya anthanar - Aryan priests; uyir - life; vaelvi - yagnum; thee - fire; thittam - plan.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is mannarin aanaikku payantha / peethi adaintha aarya anthanar ThamizhIyer Nanthanaarai koavilukul nuzhaiya / varavaerpputhara oththu kondanar - The Aryan priests agreed to welcome Nanthanaar as per the order of the king; mannar - king; aanai - order; payam – fear; peethi - fear; kovil - temple vara - to come; vara-vaerppu – welcome; oththu kondida - agreed upon.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra -an - la - pa – va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillaipuli uooraan koavil thiru vizhaa andru – vaelvi theeyil Nanthanaarai aariya anthanar thittathin padi thalli uyiroadu eriththu maaiththanar – The Aryan priests, as they had planned earlier pushed Nanthananaar in the Yagnam fire fit and killed him; koavil – temple; thiru vizhaa - festival; andru - on that day; thee - fire thittaththin padi - as per the evil plan; thallu – to push down; eriththidu – to burn; maaiththanar – they have killed.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thanuyirai kaavu thantha Thamizh Vazhi anthanar - Nanthanaar – Nanthanar was sacrificed by the Aryan priests; uyir - life; kaavuthaa - give sacrifice.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an -la - pa -va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Thillai thiru naalil pina maanaar / nalla naalil erinthu pina maanaar – Nanthanaar was dead on the day of Thillai temple festival; nalla – good; naal - day; nalla naal - auspicious day; pinam - dead body; erinthu - burnt.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la - pa– va- Ra - and the original Tamil word is Nanathanaar enum ThamizhIyerai uyirodu / vettri karamaaka kaavu – vaankkiya aarya anthanar – The Brahmin priests did human sacrifice of a Thamizh priest successfully; it is their usual Aryan way of killing the persons who are against their Vedicphilosophy; vettri - victory; kaavu - sacrifice; uyiroadu – with life.
- Thirunaalai poavaar - has the consonants - the - Ra - an - la– pa– va - Ra - and the original Tamil word is Mannar nadantha unmai –yaei aaraaiyinthidum pozhuthu aarya anthanar kolaiyaei maraiththu vittu Nanthanaar eraivanoadu / senthee –yoadu erandu– arakalanthu vittar –ena poei urai koorinar - in the king’s court the Aryan priests told him that Nanthanar had attained salvation; aaryan anthanar knew that if the killer was Brahmin he had to be acquitted according to their own Manu Smirthi; mannar - king; unmai - truth; aaraainthidu - assess / research; kolai - murder; maraikka - to hide; eraivan - god; sen –thee/ jothi - divine fire; poei- lie; kooru- tell.
Mooaayiravar - 3000 people
Mooaayiravar has the consonants - ma -Ra -va - Ra – and the original Tamil word is vaanir uraikira moonu koar– thee plant of the sky ; vaan- sky ; moonu- three; uraikira- living ; koar- planet ; ka= va; va= ka.
- Mooaayiravar has the consonants - ma -Ra -va - Ra – and the original Tamil word is moovaayiram munivar / kuravar - 3000 sages - moonu = 3, aayiram = 1000, mooaayiram = 3000, munivar = sages; kuravar = scholars.
- Mooaayiravar has the consonants - ma - Ra -- va - Ra – and the original Tamil word is munivar eruvarum / moovarum vara - both the two/ three monks - munivar - sage, eruvar = 2, moovar = 3, vara = to come.
- Mooaayiravar has the consonants - ma -Ra – va-Ra – and the original Tamil word is moovaayiram vaanavar – 3000 gods – 3000 = monks - vaanavar = sky people.
- Mooaayiravar has the consonants– ma-Ra - va -Ra – and the original Tamil word is moovaayiram vaanurai meen – 3000 stars - vaan = sky, urai = dwelling, meen = star.
- Mooaayiravar has the consonants - ma - Ra - va -Ra – and the original Tamil word is moovarum eriya – all the three charred down - eriya = to burn.
- Mooaayiravar has the consonants – ma - Ra --va -Ra – and the original Tamil word is moovaraiyim naayiru erikka / kariaakka - the three charred down by sun; naayiru = sun, erikka = to burn, kari = soot. sooththiram – ka= va; va = ka.
Mooaayiravar has the consonants – ma - Ra --va -Ra – and the original Tamil word isIyar moovar – three nobles – Vyaghrapada - Pathanchali and Manmathan.
Interpretation of the story - Nanthanaar;
Nanthanaar could be a name of one or several persons; alternatively Nathanaar could be a terminology that signifies the collective conscience of various sections of Tamil community representing Kaniyar / Valluvar - astrologers, Paraiyar–Poosari - yar - Tamil priests, Sakkiliyars – leather workers, kammiyar /Thattaan - goldsmiths, kal thachchar - sculptors, kai koalas - weavers and Vanniyar - warriors. They all had the custom of wearing the muppuri nool- sacred thread since they had the rights to wear poo nool - thiru nool; the Arya anthanars never knew the symbolic meaning of wearing the mup–purinool; once theAryan people who were serving as ordinary temple servants became the temple priests they also started wearing poo nool as the Pariyars. Pariyars were the the traditional priests serving inside the sanctum sanctorum and it was their custom to wear poo nool; later the cunning Aryan priests chucked out the Tamil Paraiyah priests from the temple complex itself stating that the Pariyah were meat eaters - untouchables - to enter the sanctum sanctorum; in order to retain their place inside the sanctum sanctorum. The Aryan priests decided to stop eating meat ther after contradictory to their traditional custom of eating buffalo meat; even now Aryan priests have extreme fear over Paraiyah people whether they will again reclaim their original / traditional rights to serve inside the sactum sanctorum as priests; Nathanaar angry with the explanation of twice born regarding the poo nool as told by the Aryan priests; Nanthanar could understood that Aryan priests had no minimal knowledge about the mup - purinool and the muppuram eriththa kathai; hence Nanthanar under the order of Sivan went to the Thillai temple wearing the poo nool;the Aryan priests could not tolerate to see Nanthanaar along with many Tamil priests wearing the poo nool, entering the temple complex; the Aryan priests got extreme fear that Nanthanaar and the Paraiyah priests had come to occupy the sanctum sanctorum again; the Aryan priests prayed their fire god – Agni - and started doing yagnam; rememeber, they did not ask for the help of Sivan - the lord of Thillai temple; instead of that, they prayed to their ancestral god - the god of fire – Agni who was their clangod when they entered India as cow herds from Iran via Kybher pass; although they were the priests of the Thillai Sivan temple they never had forgotten their ancestral god - god of fire- Agni;even now they are pseudo / fake worshippers of lord Sivan and Siva linga just to retain the job of priest -hood in the temples to earn their livelihood; doing the job of a priest is easy for them as they know no other jobs to do other than the job of a cow herd; they prefer to be a priest than to be a nomadic cow herd; as per the advice given by their fire god Agni, the Aryan priests convinced the general public that they were ready to welcome Nanthanaarin side the temple complex; Nanthanaar was very happy to accept their invitation; when Nanthanaar entered the temple on an auspicious day the cunning Aryan priests pushed him into the yagna fire pit; poor and innocent Nanthanaar was burnt alive by the cunning Aryan priests; Nanthanaar was charred to death; the murderers were very happy as the threat from the Paraiyah – Tamil priests in the form of Nanthananar had gone; the Aryanpriests denied their muderous evil act and spreaded the ideas that Nanthanaar story was a fake one - “unmaiyaei vendra kathai”; but then we all know the fact that “truth alone triumphs”; the claim of the Aryan priests that they were originally 3000 instrength came from north as per the request of theTamil kings to take care of the temple is a total lie; 3000 numbers could mean the stars that came to south to witness the astronomical act of Sivan conquering the three giants - ie. “mup –puram eriththa kathai”; on listening to the story of Nanthanaar, Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi told that Nanthanaar was a true saththiyagraki; but then, I do not know whether he condemned the brutal killing of Nanthnanaar by the cunning Aryan Brahmin priests.
Decoding the sooththiram word Arudra ;
- Arudra has the consonants- Ra – the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru aathirai – Betelguese.
- Arudra has the consonants- Ra – the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is aathirai / moothirai endra meen – a name of a star – Betalguese/ star of Sivan.
- Arudra [moist one]has the consonants- Ra– the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is eeramaana ondru - the moist one.
- Arudra [tear drop] has the consonants- Ra– the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is neer thaarai - tears / water.
- Arudra [tear drop] has the consonants- Ra– the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru neeru -sacred ash [?equated with semen/ water form Neptune].
- Arudra [lord of the storm] has the consonants- Ra–the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is perum puyar adiththiduthar [missing letter- pa-] -stormy.
- Arudra [god of destruction] has the consonants- Ra– the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is saethaaram seiththiduthar [missing letter-sa-] – indulging in destruction.
- Arudra [thunder] has the consonants- Ra – the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is idi idiththu minnar minnuthar - lightning with thunder.
- Arudra [lord of wild animals] has the consonants - Ra– the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is urumidum arima - roaring lion- king of the beasts.
- Arudra [hunter] has the consonants- Ra– the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is kiraathar /vaettai aadukiravar [missing letter-ka-] - hunter.
Decoding the sooththiram word is kalasa;
- Kalasa has the consonants–ka- la –[-sa -]-and the original Tamil word is vaan veliyil kaanum yaelu koalkal - 7 planets
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la –[-sa -]-and the original Tamil word is kalankkan koal - planet moon.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la –[-sa -]-and the original Tamil word is nilavu koal - planet moon
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka - la – s]-andthe original Tamil word is sevu-vaai kaol - planet Mars
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la -[-sa-] -and the original Tamil word is azhalan koal - planet Mars
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la – [-sa-]- and the original Tamil word is nilamakan koal - planet Mars
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la - [-sa-]- and the original Tamil word is Kanakkan koal - planet Mercury.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la - [-sa-]- and the original Tamil word is sowman koal - planet Mercury.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la - [-sa-] –and the original Tamil word is Aasaan enum koal– Jupiter - the teacher.
- Kalasa has the consonants – ka- la [-sa-]- and the original Tamil word is manjal vanna valayankkal ulla koal – planet with yellow color rings – Jupiter.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la –[-sa-] - and the original Tamil word is Mazhai koal – planet Venus.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la –[-sa-] –and the original Tamil word is Kalliyan - Venus.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la –[-sa-] -and the original Tamil word is Nalla koal - planet Venus.
- Kalasa has the consonants – ka- la –[-sa-] -and the original Tamil word is Velli koal – planet Venus.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la –[-sa-] - and the original Tamil word is mai koal - planet Saturn.
- Kalasa has the consonants– ka- la –[-sa-] - and the original Tamil word is Gnazha menum koal /akalul / akilam - planet earth.
- Kalasa has the consonants – ka- la –[-sa-] - and the original Tamil word is aali koal / Jala – k- koal - ice planet – Neptune.
- Kalasa has the consonants – ka- la –[-sa-] - and the original Tamil word is neela vanna koal- kal - blue color planets - Neptune and Uranus.
A planet is an astronomical body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and – according to the International Astronomical Union but not all planetary scientists – has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals.
- Planet [wandering stars] has the consonants - [-pa -] - la - an - the – and the original Tamil word is alainthidum aal- a wandering person.
- Planet [wandering stars] has the consonants - [-pa -] -la -an -the –and the original Tamil word is alainthidum meen - wandering stars.
- Planet [wandering stars] has the consonants - pa -la -an -the –and the original Tamil word salainthidum thee pantham - wandering fire torch.
Panchat sharapadi
- Panchat sharapadi has the consonants – [-pa-] -an –sa – the - [- sa-] – Ra – pa - the - and the original Tamil word is anjaam thiru padi – the 5th holy step.
- Panchat sharapadi has the consonants - pa -an –sa – the –sa – Ra – pa - the - and the original Tamil word is anjaam paathaiyil suttriya / pattri erintha peru meenai / ponnarai naayiru / sooriyan eriththu anaiththa / thoar piththa idam - sun charring down the 5th planet Jupiter.
- Panchat sharapadi has the consonants pa -an –sa – the –sa – Ra – pa - the - and the original Tamil word is aaraam paathaiyil suttriya / pattri erintha mai meenai naayiru / sooriyan eriththu anaiththa / thoar piththa idam - sun defeating the 6th planet Saturn.
The solar cycle is the cycle that the Sun’s magnetic field goes through approximately every 11 years.
Our Sun is a huge ball of electrically-charged hot gas. This charged gas moves, generating a powerful magnetic field. The Sun's magnetic field goes through a cycle, called the solar cycle.
Every 11 years or so, the Sun's magnetic field completely flips. This means that the Sun's north and south poles switch places. Then it takes about another 11 years for the Sun’s north and south poles to flip back again.
The solar cycle affects activity on the surface of the Sun, such as sunspots which are caused by the Sun's magnetic fields. As the magnetic fields change, so does the amount of activity on the Sun's surface.
One way to track the solar cycle is by counting the number of sunspots. The beginning of a solar cycle is a solar minimum, or when the Sun has the least sunspots. Over time, solar activity and the number of sunspots - increases.
The middle of the solar cycle is the solar maximum, or when the Sun has the most sunspots. As the cycle ends, it fades back to the solar minimum and then a new cycle begins.
Giant eruptions on the Sun, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, also increase during the solar cycle. These eruptions send powerful bursts of energy and material into space.
This activity can have effects on Earth. For example, eruptions can cause lights in the sky, called aurora, or impact radio communications. Extreme eruptions can even affect electricity grids on Earth.
Interpretation ; Solar eruptions could mean the third eye of Sivan.
The saros is a period of exactly 223 synodic months, approximately 6585.3211 days, or 18 years, 10, 11, or 12 days (depending on the number of leap years), and 8 hours, that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon. One saros period after an eclipse, the Sun, Earth, and Moon return to approximately the same relative geometry, a near straight line, and a nearly identical eclipse will occur, in what is referred to as an eclipse cycle. .
Solar rotation varies with latitude. The Sun is not a solid body, but is composed of a gaseous plasma. Different latitudes rotate at different periods. The source of this differential rotation is an area of current research in solar astronomy.[1] The rate of surface rotation is observed to be the fastest at the equator (latitude φ = 0°) and to decrease as latitude increases. The solar rotation period is 24.47 days at the equator and almost 38 days at the poles. The average rotation is 28 days.

The pentagram of Venus. The Earth is positioned at the center of the diagram , and the curve represents the direction and distance of Venus as a function of time.
Chidambaram temple scientific facts.
The word Chidambaram is derived from chit, meaning “consciousness” and ambaram, meaning “sky” (from aakasam or aakayam) or space
Chidambaram temple is based on the Human having 9 Entrances denoting 9 Entrances or 9 openings of the body.
Temple roof is made of 21600 gold sheets which denotes the 21600 breaths taken by a human being every day (15 x 60 x 24 = 21600)
These 21600 gold sheets are fixed on the Gopuram using 72000 gold nails which denote the total no. of Nadis (Nerves) in the human body. These transfer energy to certain body parts that are invisible
There are 4 pillars holding the Kanagasabha representing the 4 Vedas.
Ponnambalam has28 pillars denoting the 28 "Ahamas "as well as the 28 methods to worship Lord Shiva. These 28 pillars support 64 +64 Roof Beams which denote the 64 Arts. The cross beams represent the Blood Vessels running across the Human body.
9 Kalasas on the Golden Roof represent the 9 types of Sakthi or Energies.
The 6 pillars at the ArthaMantapa represent the 6 types of Sashtras.
The 18 pillars in the adjacent Mantapa represent 18 Puranams.
There will be a dark cloth and we see five vertical long hangings of golden vilva leaves. We see nothing behind it. This is known as the NirgunaBrahman (the God without form). This is told as ‘Chidambara Rahasyam’ by the Dikshitar. Once we uncover the dark cloth of ignorance covering the consciousness then we can realize the paramatma (cosmic) who is formless”
And some people say that it represents the nasthik (atheist) philosophy that is there is no god.
Nataraja came to perform His Dance on a Thursday, when the moon was in the asterism Pushan, in the Tamil month of Tai, long before the Christian era. This dance is called the Ananda Tandava or Dance of Bliss.
In this ardha-mandapam we find the images of the two saints, Vyagrapada and Patanjali. They stand with their hands folded, worshiping.
There is a amantapa (pillared hall) called Chitrakoota just in the front of Garbhagriha (the innermost sanctum). This is dedicated to Maha Vishnu (Narayana) who gives us darshan in his fully reclining Yoga Nidra pose on the snake bed.
The main edifices of the temple are the five Sabhas or Halls: the Cit Sabha, Kanaka Sabha, Deva Sabha, Nritta Sabha, and the Raja Sabha.
The secret of Chithambaram ;
It is said that the temple holds a grave secret; a secret which is famously known as the 'ChidambaraRagasiyam'.Since the ancient time, it is believed that there's a secret hidden in plain sight inside the temple, which is invisible to the commoners.
In the temple, there's a space which is covered with a curtain, which will only be unveiled during special pujas. Golden vilvam leaves are placed behind this curtain, and that's what the ChidambaraRagasiyam is all about.
But what does this symbolize?
Many have tried to decode the secret, as to what the empty space and the golden leaves represent. But there is no definite answer to this till date.
Some say that the saints and sages can see Shiva and Parvathi in their true form behind the curtain. And the golden leaves serve as mere decoration for the lord.
While some say that the curtain represents 'maya' - which means illusion - and a person can see his real self by removing the maya.
Interpretation; “There is nothing behind the screen” [except the empty space] is a Freudian ego defense mechanism called denial - denial of the truth; priests with ulterior / hidden motives are hiding that.
Interpretation of the Chithambaram Temple Scientific Facts
Solar Symbolism;
The 9 kalasas are the the nine planets; nine entrances could mean the nine orbital path ways of the planets; the four pillars of the kanagasabha means the four directions; the 6 pillared hall Artha mandapam could mean the hall of the 6th planet Saturn; 18 pillars could mean the period of saros which is used to predict eclipses of sun and moon; the 28 pillars of the ponammbalam could mean the period of solar rotation - 28 days; 28 pillars might also signify the years taken by the Saturn to orbit around the sun [approximately 29 years]; aeinthaam thiru padi / panchat sharapadi - 5th holy step [padi] could mean the 5th paathai – 5thpath / orbit of the Jupiter; numerical number 5 might also signify the five petals / pentagram of the Venus / white lotus - which is symbolically said as the sun god sitting over the venn Thaamarai - white lotus; 6 +5 = 11 years is the period of solar cycle; 64 roof beams could mean 63 Naayanmars and the 64th one being the lord Siva himself; alternatively 6+3 = 9 might indicate the 9 planets; there are about 720 months in a 60 year Jupter cycle.
Fertility Symbolism;
21600 [24 hours x 60 minutes x15 days] gold sheets could mean beginning of the the 15th day - the beginning of the crescent moon day /end of the 14th dark moon day; it is the day of ovulation; this 15th day is the best day for conception for a woman with regular 28 day cycles; it is said that there are 72000 - seventy two thousands - gold nails in the dome of the Thillai temple; 7200 – seven thousands and two hundred [24x 60 x5] could mean the 5th day for a woman after her missing date which can give a clue that conception had possibly occurred; at end of 9th week [9x7 = 63] / from 64th day - the embryo will become the fetus [10th week].
Thripuram eriththa kathai - reconstruction of an Astronomical Event
Puli tholum / Mup–Puri Noolum
The story is about sun god - Sivan making the gas giants Jupiter and the Saturn as failed stars; it could also include Venus; giant was portrayed as asooran in the story; but then sooran [neruppu/ fire] is the starandasooran is the planet; the flying cities were the Venus- silver fort; Jupiter - golden fort, Saturn the iron castle / city;the initial fire in these gas giantswereput off by the sun god by pouring the water from the ice giants namely Neptune and Urnaus;the rings of these planets –Jupiter [yellow rings, Saturn [dark rings] and the Neptune [blue rings] were the three strands of the po- nool – thiru nool wore by Sivan; the tiger skin dress of Sivan signifies his victory over Jupiter – the planet with yellow rings; the water of the ice giants also mean the semen of the lord Sivan.
Pathanjali and Vyaghrapada are considered by scholars as the names of many people of different times; but then these names are only terminologies to denote certain astronomical concepts / social issues and linguistic ideas; Pathanjali and Vyaghrapada of the Thillai temple were the ice giants - Neptune and the Urnaus; the tiger monk Vyaghrapada - was the Jupiter with yellow rings; unable to understand the astronomical event of “muppuram eriththa kathai”- the Aryan priests wrote many stories about Pathanjali and Vyaghrapada; the story of Vyaghrapada with tiger eyes and the tiger nails to pluck flowers is very childish and also absurd; hence these Aryan priests do not have any fundamental rights to wear mup-purinool - which symbolizes the “mup –puram eriththa kathai” - the rings of the three planets; the poo nool / thiru nool has to be worn on the shoulder on which Sivan carried the pots of water from the two ice giants to put off the fire in the Venus and the two gas giants; karaka-aattam is the the cultural aspect of the astronomical event and the folk dancers keep the water pots - karakam on their heads; women have to carry the pots in their hip because the womb with amniotic flud is inside their waist.
To ascertain the fact that Pathanjali and Vyaghrapada are only terminologies, we will consider the following sooththiram words / code words like Akaththiyar, TholKaapiyar, Hippocrates, Valmiki and Viyasar; the word Akaththiyar signifies Aquarius and Baghiratha - themes related to water; Aakththiyar also signifies the Canopus star - the star seen in the southern hemisphere; his wife Lopamudra was the rain goddess of Tamil people – Maari Aaththal.
Decoding the sooththiram words sutra ;
Method / plan / modus operandi / law /rule / principle/ formula
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is maathiri- method.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the -Ra - and the original Tamil word is mun- thoaranai – the plan.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the -Ra - and the original Tamil word isthurai- method.
- Sutra has the consonants –[- sa-] - the– Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is reethi – method.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is their – yi- yam / thaettram / thaettru – theory/ principle.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the – Ra - and the original Tamil word is pothumurai [missing letter- pa- ] – usual / common method / principle.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is payan pattu murai [missing letter- pa- ] –applied / practical principle.
- Sutra has the consonants – sa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is satta maathiri - prescribed plan.
- Sutra has the consonants – sa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thitta mitta mun maathiri / mun –maathiri thittam – a plan designed earlier.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is padiththaram [missing letter- pa] -rule.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the – Ra - and the original Tamil word is pettri/ paraththam [missing letter- pa- ] – order / method.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is paripaadi [missing letter- pa- ] – method.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is pandaiya nadai / munthaiya murai – ancient method / manner/ priniciple.
- Sutra has the consonants – sa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is marapu maathiri – traditional principle.
- Sutra has the consonants – [-sa-]- the– Ra - and the original Tamil word is neri muraiyaanathu – prescribed rule.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is puthir / puthiraanathu/ puriyaathathu / mana paadam panna - [missing letter- pa] - difficult to understand / by heart; kamba sooththiram.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is arintha thiramai / thanthiram – talent / know how / trick.
- Sutra has the consonants –sa - the– Ra- and the original Tamil word is seithidum murai / nadaththidum murai / murai thiran - the method of doing / modus operandi; Sudra – seithidum murai arinthoan - one who knows the technique.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is marai kuriyidu [missing letter- ka- ] - a secret code.
- Sutra has the consonants – sa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is satta nadai murai / satta neri - law / rule / code.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is aruththam - law.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is thiru marai - holy scripture; thiru marai / thoattiram oaathuthar - reciting the holy scriptures.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the other interpretation of the word is munu munuththar – manthiram oaathuthar - to utter manthra.
- Sutra has the consonants – [- sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is pann paaduthal [missing letter- pa] – to recite songs.
- Sutra has the consonants –sa - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is marapu udaimai – traditional one.
- Shastra has the consonants – [-sa-] - the – Ra - and the original Tamil word is thirumarai – holy scripture; mathanoor – religious books.
- Shastra has the consonants – [-sa-]- the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is nool thirattu - treatise.
- Shastra has the consonants – [-sa-] - the - Ra - and the original Tamil word is paada nool [missing letter- pa] - book.
Note; Patanjali and Vygharapada are only terminologies to denote certain astronomical concepts, linguistic thoughts and fertility related ideas; even if these terms pointed the names of one or several writers of different periods, these terms are not their original names of those authors; to understand this idea we will consider the following names / terms such as Agasthiya, Thol Kaappiyar, Vyasa, Valmiki and Hippocrates.
Aryabhata (476–550 CE) was an Indian mathematician and astronomer of the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. He flourished in the Gupta Era and produced works such as the Aryabha?iya (which mentions that in 3600 Kali Yuga, 499 CE, he was 23 years old) and the Arya-siddhanta.
Aryabhata created a system of phonemic number notation in which numbers were represented by consonant-vowel monosyllables. Later commentators such as Brahmagupta divide his work into Ganita ("Mathematics"), Kalakriya ("Calculations on Time") and Golapada ("Spherical Astronomy").
Aryabhata [mathematician] has the consonants - Ra - pa -the – and the interpretation of the word is enniyar/enn murai paada padippu- study of numerical numbers; enn - numerical number; iyar- science ; paadam- lesson- padippu- studies.
Ganita [Mathematics] has the consonants -ka- an- the – and the interpretation of the word is ennkanakkeedu ; enn- numerical number; kanakkeedu -calculation .
Mathematics [E] has the consonants - ma -the - ma - the - ka- [-sa--] and the interpretation of the word is ennai-k-kondu thokai kanakkidum vitham – method of calculation with numerical numbers; enn - numerical number; kondu- with; kanakkidu - calculate; vitham - method; thokai- sum; ka = va; va= ka.
calculate [E] has the consonants- ka- la- ka- la -the - and the interpretation of the word is ennkalai kondu kanakkiduthal; calculating with numerical numbers; enn - numerical number; enkal - numerical numbers/pl; kondu - with; kanakkidu - to calculate.
calculate [E] has the consonants- ka- la- ka- la -the - and the interpretation of the word is kootti kazhiththu vakuththu akalanam kanakkiduthal; koottuthal - addition; kazhiththal – substration; vakuththal - division; akalanam - multiplication; kanakkiduthal - caluculation; ka= va; va= ka.
kala kriya [calculation of time] has the consonants – ka – la- ka -Ra- and the original interpretation of the word is Tamizh kaniyarkal- in kaala alavu kanakkidu / kuriththidu [missing letter- the -] - time calculation by the Tamil astrologers; kaalam - time; kanakkidu - calculate; kaniyar - Tamil astrologers; kuriththidu – assess / note; alavu - measurement; ka = va; va = ka.
Gola pada [spherical astronomy] has the consonants – ka - la - pa -the-and the original interpretation of the word is - koalkalai paththiya paada paadippu - study of planets; koal - planet; koalam - globe / ball / round; koalkal - planets / pl; paththiya - about; paadam - lesson; padippu - learning /studies; koal / planet is the root words for koalam - round; kizhamai- day; kaalam - season / time; kalvi - education.
gola pada [ spherical astronomy] has the consonants – ka - la - pa -the-and the original interpretation of the word is koalkalin paathaiyaei paththiya padippu – study of orbital pathways of the planets; paathai - path.
Dhanvantari is the Hindu god of medicine and an avatar of Lord Vishnu. He was the king of Varanasi. He is mentioned in the Puranas as the god of Ayurveda. He, during the Samudra manthan arose from the Ocean of Milk with the nectar of immortality. It is a common practice in Hinduism for worshipers to pray to Dhanvantari seeking his blessings for sound health for themselves and/or others, especially on Dhanteras or Dhanwantari Trayodashi ("National Ayurveda Day").
Dhanvanthiri [god of Ayurveda] has the consonants – the- an - va -an - the -Ra- and the interpretation of the word is maruththuvathth -in thanthai; maruththuvam - medicine; thanthai - father.
Dhanvanthiri [king of Varanasi] has the consonants – the- an - va -an - the -Ra- and the interpretation of the word is Then Naattai aandidum vaenthar - ruler of southern state; then- south; naadu - state; aandidu - to rule; vaenthar- king.
Sushruta { lit. 'well heard') was an ancient Indian physician and surgeon known today as India's “Father of Surgery” and “Father of Plastic Surgery” or "father of brain surgery" for inventing and developing surgical procedures. His work on the subject, the Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta's Compendium) is considered one of the oldest texts in the world on plastic surgery and is highly regarded as one of the Great Trilogy of Ayurvedic Medicine, the Brihat-Trayi; the other two being the Charaka Samhita, which preceded it, and the AstangaHridaya, which followed it .
- Sushruta [father of plastic surgery] has the consonants - sa - Ra- -the – and the interpretation of the word is thoar ottu siththar / thoar aruththu otti theiththidum siththar; scholar of skin grafting ; thoar- skin ; ottu- to graft ; siththar – scholar; aruthidu - to incise; theiththidu- to stitch.
- Sushruta [father of plastic surgery] has the consonants – [- sa -] - Ra- -the and the interpretation of the word is pidaaran [ missing letter- pa-] - doctor.
